What is the operational impact of a single runway verse’s a two-runway operation?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a environmental science question and need guidance to help me learn.Use harvard and 4 sources , include a cover page and a reference list The file link is : https://drive.google.com/file/d/18QewhKJI_JRt88I65…PART 1 (60% of Assignment 1 grade)An airport is planned to have a runway 3,200m in length, with an associated parallel taxiway at the required regulatory minimum separation from the runway. The runway is to be used by B787-900 and A350-900 aircraft types. The airport is to have an instrument landing system installed providing Category 1 precision approach capability. The runway isn’t planned to have a clearway or stop-way but is otherwise required to be compliant with New Zealand civil aviation requirements as outlined in the Civil Aviation Rules and Advisory Circulars.Part 1 Question 1.Based upon the runway described above, produce a drawing on a single A4 page, in plan view (i.e. not in profile view), showing the applicable obstacle limitation surfaces required. Annotate what each surface represents.Part 1 Question 2.Both Mexico City and Dubai International Airports have long runways but for different reasons. In no more than 1 or 2 paragraphs, briefly describe what factors influence the necessity for such long runways.Part 1 Question 3.Often gains in airport capacity cannot be achieved through expansion of an ex******ing airport and the development of a new airport site is proposed. In no more than 2 to 3 paragraphs, describe the process steps for a site selection of a new airport.PART 2 (40% of Assignment 1 grade)Often new airport builds will have two runways for redundancy purposes although it comes at a signif******** cost********stions that airport planners face include, is it justified? How much more capacity would it bring? What is the operational impact of a single runway verse’s a two-runway operation?Using Table 12-9 and methodology shown in Chapter 12 of the course text, and an aircraft mix that includes 80% Class C aircraft and 5% Class D aircraft answer the following questions:Part 2 Question 1.What is the annual service volume (capacity) of the runway as described at the beginning of Part 1 of this assignment?Part 2 Question 2.If the annual demand for use of the runway is 220,500 aircraft per year, what is the average delay per aircraft, expressed in minutes? (Use the middle-dotted line of Figure 12-22).Part 2 Question 3.If a parallel runway was now built, separated 750m from the first runway, based upon annual demand, how many minutes in total per annum would be saved, compared with the delays experienced with only a single runway?Part 2 Question 4.Based upon the same runway configuration as in Question 3, if the annual demand for use of the runway was reduced to 168,000 instead of 220,500 aircraft movements, how many minutes in total per annum would be saved, when compared with the delays experienced if only a single runway was in use?https://drive.google.com/file/d/18QewhKJI_JRt88I65…

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