What have found most interesting about the impact of Islamic rule on the history of Europe?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.After listening to “Legacies of Al-Andalus” and watching “The Islamic History of Europe”, post your response to the following questions:1. What have you learned about the Islamic rule in Europe? (Give two specific examples from each source)2. What have found most interesting about the impact of Islamic rule on the history of Europe? (Give two specific examples from each source)Then read and provide a meaningful response to two of your classmates’ posts. *Rubric: To see the rubric for this assignment, click on the three little dots on the top right of the assignment and then click on “Show Rubric.” https://www.ottomanhistorypodcast.com/2020/11/anda… https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5oipj7

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