Implications of project findings; how will the project data change practice?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.The project is mostly finished, I just need you to implement the following parts in Section 6:Evaluation instrument
Interpretation of data and the relationship of data to the problem
Implications of project findings; how will the project data change practice?
Below is the full checklist for the project, so you know where to implement this extra info. If you could scan to make sure I have everything that would be appreciated too. Finally, attached is the project along with an example for you to go off. Feel free to make changes to this document and resubmit. Let me know if you have any questionsDN823 DNP Project Written TemplateIntroductionProject purpose/aims of the project
Background and significance of the problem to health care/nursing. Discuss from a general perspective and progress to the specific. Add your problem statement in this section
Relationship of project to advanced nursing practice and DNP Essentials
Practice setting and target population/community
Discussion of how identified practice setting will support project’s development;
project alignment with practice site mission and goals
Key stakeholders
Benefit of project to practice setting
Needs Assessment (data specific to the practice site that supports the need for the project; available resources)
Review of LiteratureRelevant evidence including databases and key words
Levels of evidence
Literature Synthesis
Theoretical Foundation or Framework for the ProjectDescription and explanation of the theoretical or conceptual framework/model that supports the project
Schematic that depicts the relationship of the theory/framework to the project
Identify change theory applicable to project
Project DescriptionProject summary and outcomes
Project timeline
Project budget: Justification and Cost/benefit analysis
Project ImplementationProject Implementation
IRB approval
Instruments for data collection
Data analysis
Project EvaluationFormative Evaluation (ongoing during project implementation)
Summative Evaluation (end of project)
Evaluation instrument
Interpretation of data and the relationship of data to the problem
Implications of project findings; how will the project data change practice?
Project sustainability
Dissemination of InformationExecutive Summary: Brief and comprehensive synopsis of the project
Written dissemination (final project paper)
Oral presentation to key stakeholders (telling the story)
Future scholarship (article for publication and abstract submission to a conference or organization)

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