The Effect Of Feedback And Intrinsic Motivation On Athletes’ Performance Dissertation Proposals Example

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Chapter 1: Introduction

The athletes’ performance requires the adequate level of competitiveness and support from team coach so that the reinforcement of the desired level of efforts can be implied. The coaches provide the guidance, motivation and goal determination to the athletes due to which the athletes utilize their skills in an effective manner to achieve the predetermined objectives (Gillet et al., 2012). The coach is also responsible to monitor the performance of athletes and provide adequate feedback in order to intrinsically motivate the athletes and hence, the extent of adequate feedback is considered as a crucial behavior that the coaches require to adopt in order to enhance the level of athlete’s performance (Badami et al., 2011).

Problem Statement

The athletes require the self-determination towards their goals and the achievement of goals require the high extent of performance by means of competency and skills. The athletes require the adequate knowledge about their strengths and weaknesses that can adequately be monitored by their respective coaches (Carpentier and Mageau, 2013). The coaches can provide the feedback in accordance with their level of performance and can provide the adequate suggestions in order to help the athletes to overcome their weaknesses. However, the feedback in accordance with the performance is considered as a negative phenomenon by the athletes due to the adherence of feedback towards the criticism, which eventually demotivates the athletes and they become less confident and competitive in utilizing their skills in an efficient manner (Badami et al., 2011).
The feedback mechanism is performance oriented due to which prevailing behaviors can only be reinforced among the athletes. In this manner, the change in the behavior of athletes towards their performance cannot be expected in this extent of feedback because it cannot provide the athletes with the clear direction to change and adapt their behavior towards their performance while being motivated (Badami et al., 2012). In the prevalence, of performance oriented feedback, the athletes become dependent of the views and observations of their coach and lack the ability to self-reflect and accept their downsides in order to improve them (Carpentier and Mageau, 2013). The feedback that is focused on the athlete’s level of performance fails to determine the expected level of performance and only determines the actual performance due to which the athletes’ motivation remains hindered in order to enhance their competitiveness to perform better (Badami et al., 2011).
The intervening role of coaches develops the athletes’ perspective in which they consider their coach as an authority figure, which is considered positive in order to maintain discipline and goal identification in the teams. However, it also incorporates the negative consequences on the performance of athletes because in this situation, the autonomy of team members or individuals hinders. In this way, athletes do not feel supported by their coach and lack self-esteem and hence, they do not remain motivated for a long duration due to lack of self-motivation (Carpentier and Mageau, 2013; Saemi et al., 2012).

Research Purpose

The current study is focused on enlightening the athletes’ extent of self-determination so that it can help the athletes to become self-motivated and to focus on the athletic objectives. The athletes are required to perform at the desired level rather than to maintain their prevailing level of performance. The traditional role of coaches in motivating the athletes is required to be adapted so that the athletes can become self-motivated and address their weak aspects in performance and in order to improve them in a proactive manner. The current study is aimed to enlighten the adaptive role of coaches that they can play in order to ensure the prevalence of self-determination among athletes so they can remain self-motivated and competitive in the long-run and perform better.

Research Question

The current study incorporates the following research question:
How feedback and intrinsic motivation affects the athletes’ performance?
Research Objectives
The current study incorporates the following research objectives:
Significance of Research
The current study incorporates its significance in the field of psychology because it can provide insights to the sports psychologists about the factors that can enhance the motivation level of athletes. In this manner that they can become self-determined and self-motivated, which can eventually sustain their level of performance. Moreover, the current study also implies the prevalence of self-determination theory due to which the factors of motivation, leading to high performance can be incorporated among the athletes in order to enlighten their practical application in sports.

Structure of the Study

The structure of the current study incorporates five chapters in which introduction and problem identification, extensive literature review, research methodology, results and their implications will be incorporated in detail.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

The lack of motivation effects the performance of the players and can result in anxiety due to which their focus on the performance objectives can hinder. The study conducted by (Badami et al. 2011) was focused to determine the level of intrinsic motivation among the athletes on the basis of performance feedback during good and bad trials. The results of the study indicated that players were not motivated due to the provision of feedback because they believed that feedback is provided regardless of their performance and hence, only 9 percent players guessed the prevalence of feedback in a correct manner and indicated that feedback is provided on negative trails. However, the players were not motivated because they could not integrate the received feedback with their goals and hence, they incorporated low level of performance.
The modifications in the feedback mechanism is required to provide athletes with the adequate direction towards their objectives. The study conducted in this respect was focused on determining the effect of change-oriented feedback on the performance of players and the results of the study indicated the positive effect (Carpentier and Mageau, 2013).
The current study is also aimed to enlighten the extensive literature in this respect to provide support to the objectives and hypothesis of the research.


The current study incorporates the following hypotheses:
There is a positive relation between performance-oriented feedback and athletes’ motivation level
There is a positive relation between change-oriented feedback and athletes’ motivation level
There is a positive relation between athletes’ intrinsic motivation and athletes’ performance
There is a positive effect of performance-oriented feedback, change oriented feedback and intrinsic motivation on athletes’ performance
Chapter 3: Methodology
Research Design
The design of the current study implies the Applied Research, because Cooper et al. (2009) has indicated that applied research focuses on the identification of the specific consequences and hence, the current study is focused on identifying the consequences of self-determination, feedback, autonomy and motivation on the performance of athletes. In accordance with Cooper et al. (2009), the current study also incorporates the causal research because it is based on the identified problem in the feedback mechanism and self-motivation extent of the athletes, which is effecting their performance. Moreover, the current study is based on the quantitative research in which the empirical analysis will be conducted to address the predetermined research objectives. The current study also accounts for the meta-analysis study because data will be gathered from the independent studies to support the identified variables from the literature (Crombie and Davies, 2009).

Sampling Design

Crombie and Davies (2009) has indicated that meta-analysis incorporates the sample size based on the number of studies from which the data will be obtained to conduct the empirical analysis. The current study incorporates the data from the studies that are conducted in the context of athletes’ motivation and performance extent. The sample size will be determined after the selection of the studies that account for the determined context within the past 5 years by conducting the sensitivity analysis.

Data Collection

The secondary data will be collected from the scholar researches that will acquired from JSTOR, Emerald, Wiley Online Library, Google Scholar and Sage Publications.

Data Analysis

The data will be analysed by using the Statistics Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 21. The empirical tests, comprising of sensitivity analysis and meta-regression will be implied in order to determine the relation between the identified variables.
The sensitivity analysis explores the quality data from the prior researches by means of identifying the heterogeneous relation between the determined factors. In this way, the consistency prevailing in the results is identified which helps in the identification of the most prominent factors play a significant role in the research (Crombie and Davies, 2008).
Therefore, in accordance with the current aspect of research, the data from the past researches will be collected that addresses the similar variables that the current study is objectified to address and afterwards, the sensitivity analysis will be conducted in order to determine the consistent prevalence of the proposed hypotheses of the current study with respect to the data that is collected from the prior studies.

Chapter 4: Results

The empirical results will be discussed in order to provide insights about the factors that affect the motivation level of athletes. In accordance with the prior study conducted by Carpentier and Mageau (2013), it is expected that change-oriented feedback will enhance the motivation level of athletes, however, performance-oriented feedback will not increase the motivation level of athletes. Moreover, the effect of autonomy and self-determination among athletes will also enhance their motivation, which will eventually increase their level of performance (Carpentier and Mageau, 2013).
It is also expected that the findings of the current study will support the results of the research conducted by Gillet (2012), in which the strong positive relation between motivation and performance is enlightened. Therefore, in accordance with the prior studies, it is expected that change-oriented feedback and motivation effect the performance level of athletes in a positive manner (Carpentier and Mageau, 2013).


Badami, R., VaezMousavi, M., Wulf, G. and Namazizadeh, M., 2011. Feedback after good versus poor trials affects intrinsic motivation. Research quarterly for exercise and sport, 82(2), pp.360-364.
Badami, R., VaezMousavi, M., Wulf, G. and Namazizadeh, M., 2012. Feedback about more accurate versus less accurate trials: Differential effects on self-confidence and activation. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport,83(2), pp.196-203.
Carpentier, J. and Mageau, G.A., 2013. When change-oriented feedback enhances motivation, well-being and performance: A look at autonomy-supportive feedback in sport. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 14(3), pp.423-435.
Cooper, H., Hedges, L.V. and Valentine, J.C. eds., 2009. The handbook of research synthesis and meta-analysis. Russell Sage Foundation.
Gillet, N., Berjot, S., Vallerand, R.J., Amoura, S. and Rosnet, E., 2012. Examining the motivation-performance relationship in competitive sport: A cluster-analytic approach. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 43(2), p.79.
Saemi, E., Porter, J.M., Ghotbi-Varzaneh, A., Zarghami, M. and Maleki, F., 2012. Knowledge of results after relatively good trials enhances self-efficacy and motor learning. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 13(4), pp.378-382.
Crombie, I.K. and Davies, H.T., 2009. What is meta-analysis. What is..? series, pp.1-8.

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