What do they want us, the readers, to understand?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.ASSIGNMENT:This is an explanatory synthesis essay. This means that your job is to consider how a group of texts (whether these are essays or videos or websites) examine a larger topic. As these texts examine and consider such issues as: transformation, dependence, independence, power/empowerment, community (or family/brotherhood/sisterhood), truth-telling & storytelling, and how particular landscapes change and/or define us (however you define “landscape”). A strong synthesis involves critical and creative thinking—it shows your reader intricate connections between the texts, as if the texts are having conversations about a topic. Think of the texts as people at a table debating with each other, waving their hands around, telling each other what is significant. What do they agree on? What do they disagree on? What worldview, ultimately, do they share? It is this sharing that is most important in the synthesis. Your thesis about these texts will argue what you believe to be the larger theme, what you think connects them all. What do these authors/texts reveal about the importance of such a discussion (theme)? What do they want us, the readers, to understand? What applications of their ideas should we make? CHOOSE THREE OR FOUR of these required texts to use for the assignment: *Chatwin, from The Songlines *Caro, “Turn Every Page” from Working *Mailhot, “Silence Breaking Woman” *documentary My Brother Vinnie *Hill, from “Nobody” *Mooney, “You Are Special! Now Stop Being Different” *Gritz, “Finding Myself on the Page”Additional texts/websites to use but are not required to use (all on our homepage): *Parkin, Uluru Statement from the Heart (video) *M.E. Dyson, “The Public Obligations of Intellectuals” *interview with Terese Marie Mailhot (on homepage) *Midnight Oil, “First Nations” (on homepage) *Solomon, “Far From the Tree” video interviewsPAPER REQUIREMENTS: *at least 5 pages *Works Cited page in MLA format (this does not count as a page of text) *titled, double-spaced. MLA format (appropriate 1” margins, 11-point font, header) *use of appropriate language and required source material, as well as direct quotes/paraphrases from our class literature and the documentaries. You are expected not only to utilize these sources throughout the essay, but also to discuss them critically. That is, what do they have in common? What do they attempt to teach us? How are they connected in terms of structure, of story, of argument? *when you quote directly, be sure to introduce the quote. This makes it a part of your text, but it also allows you to direct a reader’s attention to particular ideas and analysis. It makes YOUR VOICE the critical voice. Additionally, follow up your direct quotations with some discussion. What is so important about this detail, this language, this moment? You choice the quote for a reason, so use the time to elaborate on that reason. *minimal—if any—use of the first person. This is a paper that should focus on the texts and the authors’ related ideas/discussions. *an introduction that provides a thesis (steering idea) and the titles/authors.STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR THIS ESSAY:RHETORICAL AWARENESS: identification of rhetorical features in multiple texts; description of rhetorical features in texts; organization with an awareness of audience; evaluation of rhetorical choices made in diverse readingsCRITICAL THINKING, READING, WRITING: recognition of subjectivity in texts; ability to recognize and restate the claims of multiple texts; examination of multiple positions on a topic by multiple authors; argument of a topic persuasivelyWRITING PROCESS: description of the writing process; model the writing process; composition of formal academic prose through the utilization of reading and writing processesCONVENTIONS: choose appropriate documentation; employ academic writing conventions; illustrate conventions and understanding of voice/style; understanding of organization in an academic essayCRITICAL REFLECTION: rewrite essays based on feedback on drafts; modification of ineffectivwe strategies; prioritize choices

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