What is the history of this business?

Step 1: Select a business that you would like to learn about. It can be ANY business but this paper will be easier if the business is well known, publicly traded, and has been around for more than 5 years. Step 2: Please write a RESEARCH paper (no more than 5 pages single spaces) conducting a S.W.O.T. analysis about the business. This paper needs to be turned in online (this turn in link) by Sunday 4/3 @ 11:59pm and should follow the paper outline (below) perfectly. SWOT Analysis Description A SWOT analysis stands for Strengths | Weaknesses | Opportunities | Threats We covered this in class early in the semester so you may need to revisit your text for more information. However, in a nutshell, a SWOT analysis is an analysis conducted to see how a business is doing internally (Strengths & Weaknesses) and if there is anything going on in the world that could provide Opportunities for a business or ways to prevent Threats. This type of analysis is VERY IMPORTANT as it helps a business to pay attention to what is g oing on in the world and then make sense of the information in a way that will help the business. Managers/owners who learn how to do this well can help their businesses grow and/or avoid failure. Format: Include your name on the paper as well as headings for each part that follows the outline below in yellow. Papers can be single spaces but should not exceed 5 pages (not including the reference pages) Paper Outline: History: What is the history of this business? Who founded it, when, and why? (20 points) Strengths: Outline & explain at least 3 STRENGTHS of this business (Internal to the Business) (20 points) Weaknesses: Outline & explain at least 3 WEAKNESSES of this business (Internal to the business) (20 points) Opportunities: Find 3 news articles that outline things that could present OPPORTUNITIES for this business. Provide a link to each article, a 2-3 sentence summary of the article, and an explanation of how the news story could provide an OPPORTUNITY for this business. Each news article and topic should be a separate paragraph. (30 points). IMPORTANT: The news article should NOT be about the company itself but rather be a news story that COULD affect the company you are studying. Threats: Find 3 news articles that outline things that could present THREATS for this business. Provide a link to each article, a 2-3 sentence summary of the article, and an explanation of how the news story could provide a THREAT for this business. Each news article and topic should be a separate paragraph. (30 points) IMPORTANT: The news article should NOT be about the company itself but rather be a news story that COULD affect the company you are studying. Reflection: Please write a 1/2 page reflection about this business. Why did you chose it, what did you learn, and/or do you have any advice for this business moving forward. (10 points) Conclusion: Please make a predication about this business for the next 5 years based on the information you gathered in this research. Will this business survive? Thrive? How much? And why or why not? (10 points) Also include a REFERENCE sheet (bibliography) with all of your sources included in APA format as well as all of the matching IN TEXT CITATIONS. (10 points). This page(s) will not be counted in the 5 pages.

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