Does physical exercise compared to standard medical treatment alone increase cognitive function?

Literature review: – In schizophrenia patients, does physical exercise compared to standard medical treatment alone increase cognitive function?
The purpose of this short draft assignment to help the DNP student to begin to develop a PRISMA statement for their literature review. All professional literature reviews must contain a valid PRISMA like diagram to report the decisions the team/researcher/reviewers have made during the literature review and how the decisions informed the final article determination. Please review the information on the PRISMA website and use the PRISMA Flow Diagram template provided on the website. Please note that you must have included at least two or more databases in your literature search.
For the “databases” go ahead and state which database you used and the number or articles that came up when you used your search terms. For example: PubMed N=1130. In the second box put the number of duplicates that RefWorks removed (N-1100).
A PowerPoint with step-by-step directions for accessing the PRISMA diagram building tool is provided.
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