How will the GIA education help you achieve your professional / personal goals?

Need Help Writing a Short Essay for a Scholarship
How will the GIA education help you achieve your professional / personal goals? (minimum of 500 characters- maximum 1800 characters)
I have included past essays to help.
Background Information and Details to Include:
Attending GIA school for the below:
Comprehensive CAD/CAM
Jewelry Design
Graduate Diamond Program
GIA is the Gemological Institute of America
GIA is the gold standard and training authority for gemology. GIA is the most reputable and prestigious jewelry education and is well known world wide.
Turning my passion from product development into a jewelry designer by learning at GIA
I quit my job as a Brand Manager to go back to school full time
Scholarship will push me towards career goals
Ultimately owning my own jewelry business focusing on engagement rings and fine jewelry
Scholarship will help me focus on my studies

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