Identify two new organizational and/or consumer customer groups that you think would be good target markets for Innovative Tub Solutions to serve.

Here’s what you need to do:
1. Read through this linked “Notes_Janis Stevens Interview” (the file linked below).
2. Based on what you learned in this document and on your knowledge from class lectures and readings, respond to the following questions/prompts with a 300+ word initial post.
Prompt 2a. Identify two new organizational and/or consumer customer groups that you think would be good target markets for Innovative Tub Solutions to serve. (Note: Please do not suggest that Janis simply continue serving the same target markets that she is currently serving. She needs to find additional customers, particularly customers who are not buying her products through Amazon, in order to grow her sales and profits. So, your mission is to come up with ideas for two new target markets that have not already occurred to her, and be prepared to defend your recommendations.) Hint: Remember that Janis is in the “nonskid surfacing” business, not the tub/shower nonskid surfacing installation business. Avoid that “marketing myopia” perspective that obstructs innovative thinking. What other customer groups–including industry groups, not just consumer groups–do you think could benefit from a nonskid surfacing product for their floors?
Prompt 2b. Present a detailed, convincing argument as to why you think each of the two potential target markets you have identified would be a good choice for Janis’s business. To do this, you may need to do internet research to discover how many members these potential target markets have (i.e., how large they are) and whether they are likely to have a need for the type of products offered by Innovative Tub Solutions.

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