What connections can you make between what you choose and what you read for class this week?

In an academic response, you’re going to do two things:
You’re going to give a brief overview of what you read or watched and then respond to the material covered this week in the readings and videos and then use some of the questions below to focus your thoughts and engage more specifically with that material.
In order to get full credit, make sure your response uses specific examples from the material for this week, addresses the prompt(s), and shows evidence of having read/watched the assigned materials.
Material for this week:
“Evolution” from Explorations https://pressbooks-dev.oer.hawaii.edu/explorationsbioanth/chapter/__unknown__/
“Race is Real But it’s Not Genetic” from Sapiens https://www.sapiens.org/biology/is-race-real/
1. What’s Happening in Anthropology (instructions below and in HOW TO DO STUFF): Briefly summarize the article or podcast you found. Why did you choose it? What did you find interesting? What connections can you make between what you choose and what you read for class this week? What questions do you now have?
2. Find 3 new words you came across while reading/watching/listening. Explain what they mean or how to pronounce them. Whatever was new to you about them.
you’re finding an article or podcast about Biological Anthropology and then writing about it in connection to the reading for this week.
Find a reading or podcast in Biological Anthropology by searching the website https://www.sapiens.org/

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