How prevalent is your chosen type of victimization in the United States?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a law multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.You are asked to propose a research study examining the effects of race, age, and gender on a type of victimization. For example, you could choose to propose a research study exploring the effects of race, age, and gender on child abuse. As well, you could choose to propose a research study exploring the effects of race, age, and gender on cyberbullying. Ultimately, you decide what the dependent variable (i.e., type of victimization) you wish to focus your study, so long as your independent variables are race, age, and gender. The Introduction section introduces to your reader the problem you are seeking to explore in your proposed research study. Hence, you are required to provide a thesis statement stating what your proposed research study will be exploring. Below is the required format for reporting your thesis statement : This study aims to explore the effects of race, age, and gender on ____[Type of victimization]____. Then, you will provide a Statement of the Problem. Here, you are asked to illustrate why your chosen type of victimization is a problem in society. For example, if you are choosing to focus on cyberbullying, your Introduction section will speak to cyberbullying is a problem in the United States. To show why your chosen type of victimization is a problem, address the following: • How prevalent is your chosen type of victimization in the United States? • Who does your chosen type of victimization affect the most? ◦ Given that you are focusing on the effects of • What consequences and/or harms does your chosen type of victimization have on society? The Review of the Literature presents scholarly research studies examining the effects of race, age, and gender on your chosen type of victimization. In this section, you will locate a minimum of two (2) – three (3) research studies exploring the effects of race, age, and gender on your chosen victimization type. For EACH study that you locate, you will provide a paragraph summary of the study. Particularly, you will state the following: • What is the purpose of the study? (i.e., What are the researchers examining or exploring in their study?) • What do the researchers find in their study? (i.e., What are the results of their study?) The Methodology section informs your reader of your chosen research method and design, to include shares with your audience your research hypotheses (i.e., what you think the relationship will be between your independent variables and your chosen type of victimization or dependent variable). Before you address this, please review Methodology in Criminal Justice Research. You will NOT understand what you should do, if you fail to review this lecture. For your Methodology section, you MUST address the following: • What research method are you planning to use, to include providing a justification. • What are your three research questions going to be? ◦ Research questions should be formatted as, “What effect does race/age/gender have on ____type of victimization__?” • What are your three hypotheses (i.e., statements indicating what you perceive or think the relationship will be)? ◦ Research hypotheses should be formatted as, “The researcher hypothesizes that ______ are more likely/less likely to experience ___type of victimization___ than ____.”

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