What’s learned from re-watching both texts, with an eye toward the claim of Sontag’s you are interested in?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a writing multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.Our second essay is a traditional “comparative literary analysis”—a kind of argumentative writing grounded in comparison and contrast. You’ll be analyzing Rear Window and “Nosedive.” Your frame of reference for the essay will be a claim of Sontag’s that you find compelling, one that seems to figure prominently in the film or tv episode. What’s learned from re-watching both texts, with an eye toward the claim of Sontag’s you are interested in? Your thesis will attempt to present your key insight, and your body paragraphs will help elucidate that thesis, using specifics from the film and episode so that readers can see how you arrived at your conclusions. I will help you do this!
The essay will be a minimum of 1,250-1,500 words, not including the Works Cited page.
The final draft should be formatted in MLA-style, and feature an MLA-style Works Cited page and proper in-text citations.
The essay should have a clear purpose and context for readers, one that has at least some connection in a concept from Sontag’s essay.
You’ll quote quite heavily from the film and tv episode, since quotes from artistic texts are the “evidence” that will help prove your ideas.
As for additional sources, you’ll need to quote Sontag, too, and bring her into your conversation. The essay should utilize at least one other source beyond the film, tv episode and Sontag. That additional source should be scholarly in nature. Don’t forget that the film, tv episode and Sontag should be featured on your Works Cited, along with your additional source and any others you choose to bring in beyond that.
The piece should have an interesting title. Not just “Interpretive Essay” or “Rear Window Essay” “Essay #2” or something lame like that ಠ_ಠ (Look to the titles of the scholarly pieces we have read already to see how they use titles to map out the scope of their essays.)
PLEASE USE ONE OR TWO SOURCES AND MAKE THEM FROM HERE https://lib.morainevalley.edu/main/databases.html?…

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