What are the components of successful marriages you have seen?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a sociology discussion question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Read:Is Marriage for White People?
The Poisonous Effect of Jealousy on your Relationship
Andrew Cherlin: Marriage as a Status Symbol
Why Bother With Marriage?
Modern Polygamy: One Husband, Chosen by Multiple Wives
These Polyamorous Parents put Controversial Spin on Child-Rearing
The History of Marriage
DQ (Discussion Question) 7: Create your initial 250-300 word post on the DQ 7 Discussion Board in response to the following question(s). Your post must include examples and information from this week’s readings that help to explain and support your statement. It also must include at least two (2) in-text citations from your textbook or any of the other course material (e.g. lectures, videos, articles, etc.) covered throughout the week.
Describe what a “successful” marriage looks like. What are the components of successful marriages you have seen? Consider if the components of successful marriages change over time. For example, did the marriages of your grandparents’ era have different components than marriages of today?
After posting, return to the board and read over the posts of your fellow classmates. Choose at least two (2) classmates and create a post responding to his/her initial post on the Discussion Board. Each response post should be between 100-150 words and must further the discussion

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