What are the main differences and similarities between blogs and forums?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a management multi-part question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Case Analysis Questions:Identify five strategies used in this online forum.
What are the main differences and similarities between blogs and forums?
In your point of view, do you think this forum is an effective or ineffective forum? Why?
Part 2: Writing Exercise Anne Jenkins is a finance manager for J.L.N. Used Cars (JLN), a used-car business with about 30 dealerships. She is in charge of running the company’s financing program. She sets terms for loans provided through the dealerships. She also manages a team that works directly with dealerships to ensure that loans are promoted and granted appropriately. On Anne to-do list for the day, she has several writing tasks. Anne needs to be efficient with her writing thus she hires you to help her writing in one of the following options: (5 Marks) Option 1: Recently, Anne was reimbursed for several trips she took, but the company did not cover several of her expenses. She wants to write an email to the personnel director requesting compensation for mileage in which she used her own auto for several recent work trips. Help Anne to write a claim Message. OR Option 2: Anne wants to send a memo to dealership managers about changes to financing eligibility. Help Anne to write an announcement regarding these changes. OR Option 3: Anne wants to better understand the customer profile of those who choose to finance their car purchases through the dealerships. She wants the dealership managers to ask three questions of these customers during the upcoming month and then provide her with the responses. Help Anne to write a request message.

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