Free Will vs Omnipotence

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I chose to write about Free Will Vs. Omnipotence. Of course, there is a contradiction that if God knows all that will happen where is so-called free will, If I decide on of two options I have am I may be destined to make that decision that God wanted me to be in that place. The reason that I am interested in this point is that it is the most contradictory topic in the church even amongst the regular church participants or the philosophers and theologians.
I believe from my point of view I presented a solution that is between them.
I chose to write about the topic of Free will Vs. Omnipotence. These terms and ideas are contradictory especially in the context of religion. It seems that they contradict each other but me a while we find them in the most popular religion around the world. As a Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy defines free Will as a an idea of controlling one’s choice and actions freely.
This concept or idea of free will started alone before, many great Greek philosophers contributed to this ever-growing debate of the existence of a free will. There is a famous saying from a great enlightenment philosopher Immanuel Kant that once said” If we are not free to choose then it would make no sense to say we ought to choose the path of righteousness”. This concept of free will have a broad impact inall the aspect of life from politics to culture.
The idea that support’s this claim is that the evidence of evolution that Darwintheorized once, stating the strongest always survives that we evolve through a process to stay fit and live on. Any living creature have a free will to choose and take all the necessary actions so that he can adjust in a different, and unfamiliar situation. This explanation is abided by all living organisms. We can conceptually explain the process of free will as follows:

We experience free will.
We think free will is important for our lives to have meaning.
We think free will is how we become the people we become.
We only hold people morally responsible for the actions they do freely.

As an example, a free-willed person may be recruited in the army during war by fully considering the huge probity of not returning alive. Freewill person will always take full responsibility of the actions taken, that there is no regrets.When we try to define the free will’s contradictory concept”omnipotence”. The word Omnipotence is defined in OxfordDictionary as a very great power, which is the monotheistic God is omnipotent that he bale to do anything and everything.
We all agree that God is omnipotent. From human’s perspectives, God is omnipotent that he is able to do anything even bend the logical explanation of any form of reason. Form long teachings of religion, humans very existence(the created ones) in total will ofGod their creator. This belief shows that the perspective of humans their creator.
Omnipotence is right from the point of view of the believers that they live well because God let them so, but if they face any problem in their life they will definitely choose to take it as God’s way of punishing the wrong deeds that they did not confess about to the priest or forget to confess. if there is an earthly explanation to what they face in the form of cause and effect the logical way they tend to settle with the most plausible comforting explanation of “God’s will” that God put them in that position that there not anything they can do to get out from it.
But of course this does not include to the events that happen and are irreversible with complicated reason. On the contrary, a not free-willed person strongly believes that he if God’s will he will return home without a scratch.
That the first is realistic and at least manages to live in this situation understanding both possibilities both the second believes and totally put self’s existence on the omnipotent. The not free-willed person always takes refuge on the omnipotent and sometimes overdo it and live in escapism. A person is omnipotent if and only if has perfect freedom of will and perfect efficacy of will. Even if there are simple things that he can change to impact the life he is living widely, he dismisses from believing that the omnipotent should always fix. Not knowing that most of things are left to us to work on and bear its fruits.
I believe that the freest willed person has nothing to complain about because he understands the uncertainty of life and living in the unpredictable to create a concrete work on all the changing world, and the person who believes is on Omnipotent God is also free-willed because he believed that and decided first to follow God and knowing that God is the omnipotent and truly intelligent creator but lives freely in his belief doing what can bring him earthly joy and taking responsibility to those paths he crossed that upsets God.
There is a tradition of confession in Christianity that is a self-criticizing of one’s sins to a person with a higher rank in the place of worship. when the person who believes in one Omnipotent God confesses this shows a free will renew a relationship with God and taking full responsibility for ofone’sself-mistakes and commitment to never do it in the future.
Of course, God knows everything but we humans cannot think like him we only can think like humans, God does not explain everything that will happen to us and leaves us to figure it out that we will hopefully escape from evil by our own free will to live in the good. Even if we want to deny or accept and worship God it is our own free will.

Ha.N(May 28, 2018). God is illogical – the omnipotence “paradox. Retrieved from
 Hogan. J (June 3, 2019).Free Will Is Real. Retrieved from
Cave.S (June 2016). There is no such Thing as free Will. Retrieved from

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