n what ways are issues of population connected to development?

Please draw on the readings and films Week 5

Video –

The World Population Has Reached 8 Billion – Now What? Rachel Snow (United Nations Population Fund 2023 7 minutes)

Reading –

Sasser, Jade (2018) On Infertile Ground “Introduction”, “Ch. 1”, “Ch. 4” + “Conclusion” New York NYU Press

Mila Fenner and Wendy Harcourt (2023) “Debating Population in and Beyond Feminist Political Ecology”.pdf

Mollett, Sharlene (2017 “Gender’s Critical Edge Feminist political ecology, postcolonial intersectionality, and the coupling of race and gender” in Routledge Handbook of Gender and Environment London: Routledge

Sathi, S (2021): “How do we pay back? Women health workers and the COVID-19 pandemic in India” in Globalizations DOI: 10.1080/14747731.2021.2009308

What is the link between human rights and development?. Please discuss how fast fashion and gender is key for these discussions. 

Please draw on the readings and films Week 6.

Video –

Crossing Arizona (Joseph Mathew and Dan DeVivo

Dead White Man’s Clothes (2021 30 minutes)

Reading –

Gagliardi 2019 The Human Rights of Minority and Indigenous Women

How to create Testimonial Carousel using Bootstrap5

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