Breakdown in Effective Listening Paper

Breakdown in Effective Listening Paper
Breakdown in Effective Listening Paper
1-Read the scenario below and discuss how you would respond.
You’re working as a manager at a restaurant, and a regular customer complains about the server: “I don’t like the way she treated me, and I’m not coming back here.”
1. What are some of the things you might say without losing the customer or your server (who is usually excellent)?
2. Are there things you’d be sure not to say?
2- Personal Narrative(discussion board ) 2 paragraph
Describe a situation in which you experienced a breakdown in effective listening. Explain the
context in which the breakdown occurred and the events that unfolded as the breakdown took
place. (Include dialogue if you can.) Go on to describe the outcome of the situation and then
analyze why the breakdown occurred. What might have prevented it?
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Breakdown in Effective Listening Paper

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