Should Animals have Rights?

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Do you support animals being used for sports and human entertainment? As animal lovers there is an ongoing debate on putting an end to any entertainment that harms animals in any way. Animal entertainment has been around for years and it refers to different types of animals used to perform, act, or fight for the enjoyment of humans. There are many forms of entertainment from circuses to zoos and bullfighting. Many animals are taken out of their natural environment and forced to perform acts. Opponents disagree with banning these forms of entertainment because they say it can be a form of learning and saving different species of animals. They claim keeping the animals captivated is safer than them living in their own environment. I, on the other hand support putting an end to animals being used for our amusement. I believe the animals deserve to be free with their families. Human beings should not be allowed to use animals as objects. Animals deserve rights to live their own life and in their environment without being tortured or used for human amusement.
Animals being used are not meant to perform. When animals are being used, they are affected emotionally, physically and mentally. After research on animals used in entertainment these animals are taken from their environment to be starved beaten or otherwise maltreated to become submissive to their trainer in order to make them behave accordingly. In the history of entertainment, it appears that animal entertainment has existed since ancient times. The Circus Maximus in Rome began in 2 B.C.E and is one of the most well-known entertainment venues in history, according to author Jennifer Dragotta. Popular forms of animal entertainment are dog fighting, bull fighting and horse racing. There are countless opportunities for abuse in each of these sports. In the same article, Jennifer Dragotta states “In response to the death of Eight Belles at the 2008 Kentucky Derby, ASPCA President Ed Sayres noted “the sport of horse racing is no different than other forms of entertainment where animals are forced to perform, oftentimes in stressful and inhumane conditions.” (Dragotta, 2019) Therefore, a horse being captivated is a great form of abuse. Helpless animals are overwhelmed in these acts just for the amusement of humans. I believe there is no type of education people can get by observing a horse race. It is simply for the enjoyment of watching and condoning horses being repeatedly forced to run in the heat for hours.
As for animals used in circuses, the animals spend almost all their time in traveling crates or trucks where they aren’t able to move freely. They live their entire lives being uncomfortable. Therefore, in addition to extreme confinement and poor housing the stress on the animals is increased because they are forced to travel in trucks for thousands of miles. Animals in circuses are trained to make movements for the performance in ways they can often hurt themselves. For instance, elephants are often made to stand on their hind legs or even balance on one leg. This can cause hernias considering they are such heavy animals according to an animal ethics organization. They are tortured to perform which can also lead them to act out when they get the chance to putting people’s lives in danger. To further illustrate, in the article titled, “Circuses,” it is stated that:
Frustrated by years of beatings, bull hooks, and shackles, some elephants snap. And when an elephant rebels, trainers can’t protect themselves or the public. During a 2014 Moolah Shrine Circus show in Missouri, for example, three elephants escaped from their handlers in the children’s rides area after becoming stressed by circus noise. Loose for about 45 minutes, they damaged multiple cars in the parking lot before the handlers were able to regain control of them. It wasn’t the first time an elephant had run away from a circus. A few years earlier, an elephant named Viola had escaped from the Cole Bros. Circus in Virginia. She’d bolted from handlers and charged directly past a line of people waiting to buy tickets, sending some sprinting toward the parking lot.
As for trainers they ‘break the animals wills’ from a young age to be able to control their behavior. The animals are punished with chains, whips and metal hooks. The animals are forced to perform these acts out of fear of physical punishment. (Captivity, 2019) Bull fighting is another popular form of entertainment and was originated in Spain. This is considered to be a ‘sport’ to the Spaniards and it involves humans challenging a bull to fight and even kill publicly in a crowded arena. “Bulls involved in cruel sports are weakened before the fights by being drugged and sometimes having their horns shaved down in order to disorient them, sandbags dropped on their backs, and petroleum jelly rubbed into their eyes to blur their vision. The tortured bulls never stand a chance against the matador, who tries to kill them slowly with repeated stabbing.” (Markkula, 2019) There are countless ways an animal can be harmed when it comes to animal entertainment. I believe if animals can be aware of their surroundings and if they have emotions, they should be able to have rights. They deserve to be in possession of their own life.
Some critics argue that animals are useful for entertainment. In fact, many believe it is even better than animals living in their natural environment. People claim animals being used for entertainment such as animals living in zoos help provide better education and research opportunities. In an article titled “Is it ethical to keep animals in zoos?”
Dr. Hutchens states To elaborate, keeping animals in environments such as a zoo makes it easier to be able to work on animals and have easier access to test them. It is understandable why the opposition believes keeping animals enclosed is the better option. Nevertheless, animals are born to live in a habitat that was created for them. For example, an animal who is a tight enclosure for so long will be affected mentally and emotionally. They are not meant to live in a staged environment and to perform on demand. They are unable to run and eat as they please as they would in their habitat (Captivity, 2019) I also believe animals should get the same treatment as human beings and should be able to stay connected with their families.

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