The syllabus for the final paper is:
Length of paper: The total length of the text portion of the paper will be reduced to a maximum
of 7 to 12 pages, DOUBLE SPACED. Please try to stick within these page lengths. Efficiency in
the structure and presentation will be rewarded.
Due date: This paper is due on …. I will have to grade all of them
by the end of the following weekend, December 31, so there will be little time for additional
extensions. I realize the term ends on Christmas Eve, so if this is a problem, please let me know
Style and details: Please use Grammarly and Turnitin, as the goal here is to challenge you to create
a concise and well-organized memorandum to your CEO. If English is not your native language,
please trust me to recognize that and accommodate the extra challenge. Do not be embarrassed
to make sure I know this fact (in a footnote.). This is a “Risk Management” class, not an English
writing class. I am looking for precision of thought more than fluency in writing.
I strongly advise you NOT to use any AI assistance with this assignment. It might make it easier,
maybe, but its cheating and, more importantly, it is cheating you. You will not have AI available
all the time to do your thinking for you, and if it is, you won’t have a job anyway.
The paper should have a short (one paragraph) “Executive Summary.” Look this term up on the
internet for further details. It is intended to be a summary of your presentation, not a summary of
the task assigned. Stick to the details in the syllabus regarding double spacing and font size. Use
one (1) inch margins all around. Page numbers should be included.
You may have a cover page, but one is not required. Please demonstrate your use of resources and
research, which may include readings for this class.
You have a job as the middle-level executive in a 250 bed hospital. The hospital is technically a
“non-profit” hospital, but it is run as close to a “for profit” goal as possible. As a result of
dislocations to the health care industry in your state, your hospital has suffered a 15% loss of
trained health care provider staff across the entire hospital, including physicians, nurses, and
licensed personnel of all kinds. The hospital has operated five (5) clinics: a walk-in orthopedic
clinic; a referral based radiology department with MRI, CT, and ultrasound facilities; a labor-anddelivery suite with neonatology; a wound care center with hyperbaric equipment; and, a locked,
in-patient pediatric psychiatric facility.
Your CEO has assigned you the task of making a report to her, for presentation to the hospital
Board, assessing the risks associated with closing two of these five clinics. She has asked you to
describe the risks of closing each clinic, as well as the risks of continuing to run the clinics.
You should evaluate the following:

  1. the risks of continuing to offer the services with 15% less staff;
  2. the benefits of continuing to offer the services of each clinic;
  3. the risks of transferring non-physician personnel from the clinics to be closed to those that
    will remain open, and an assessment of the training challenges/risks of using inexperienced staff
    in the new clinics;
  4. the potential personnel problems and possible solutions resulting from either (or both)
    transferring employees to new assignments or laying off any extra staff; and,
  5. any other problems or risks that may be encountered.
    Make a recommendation which two clinics should be closed, with a brief explanation why they
    should close and the others should remain open. Then, identify and describe in detail the
    consequences you anticipate (such as any process or implementation issues) and how you should
    prepare to manage them.
    Suggest a basic timeline for the implementation of your suggestions, taking into account the risks
    that you have identified and the steps you propose to take.
    Finally, provide a brief statement of your assessment of the Cynefin system in which this process
    with be conducted. The Cynefin discussion is included in the Announcements for each Section.
    You should prepare a memorandum that can be understood quickly and clearly. Do NOT worry
    about the revenue issues (this is confidential information that you do not have, but which the Board
    will know.) Consider any additional costs which you may identify.
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