Death Penalty Assignment: Reflection Paper – Should Dzhokhar Tsarnaev receive the Death Penalty?

  1. Please watch the embedded video, the Psychological Profile of the Marathon Bombers.
    Consider the video’s information when responding to the reflection paper prompt below.
  2. You have now had the opportunity to consider the use of Capital Punishment in the United
    States. We’ve been examining the Tsarnaev brothers’ actions on April 15th, 2013. Please write
    a 2-page double spaced reflection paper responding to the following prompt:

Given the materials offered, the videos watched, and considering the ‘aggravating factors’ vs.
‘mitigating factors’ of this event/offender, would you vote to sentence Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to

Please write about how you have reached this conclusion. What information was the most
persuasive to you in your decision-making? There are no right or wrong answers here! Please
show how you weigh the facts, what went into your analysis etc.

How to Write a Reflection Paper

A reflection paper is a personal essay that requires you to reflect on your thoughts, experiences, and observations regarding a particular topic or subject. It is a way for you to share your insights and understandings of the subject matter while also providing your personal perspective on the issue at hand. Here are some steps on how to write a reflection paper:

  1. Choose a topic or subject to reflect on: Pick a topic or subject that you want to reflect on. It could be an event, experience, book, movie, or anything that has a significant impact on you.
  2. Brainstorm and take notes: Jot down all your thoughts and feelings about the topic. Write down what happened, how it made you feel, and what you learned from it.
  3. Develop an outline: Create an outline that will help you organize your thoughts and ideas. Start with an introduction that provides a brief overview of the topic, followed by the body of the paper, which should include your personal experiences, insights, and reflections. Finally, end with a conclusion that summarizes your main points and highlights what you have learned.
  4. Use a clear and concise language: Use a clear and concise language when writing your reflection paper. Be honest and straightforward about your experiences and feelings. Use concrete examples to support your ideas and provide specific details about your reflections.
  5. Edit and revise your paper: After you have written your reflection paper, read it through carefully and edit it for clarity, grammar, and punctuation. Make sure that your ideas flow logically and that your reflection paper is well-organized.
  6. Use citations if necessary: If you are referencing any sources, make sure to cite them properly. This includes both in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your paper.

Remember, a reflection paper is your personal reflection on a particular topic or subject. Use it as an opportunity to share your experiences, insights, and reflections with others.

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