Forensic Evidence Reflection Paper

Forensic Evidence Reflection Paper

What should be the gold standard of forensic evidence in the courtroom, and why? Some questions to consider are: what kinds of forensic evidence are there? What do they suggest/mean in a courtroom? How are they obtained? How accurate are the assessments? How likely are they to be found at a crime scene? How easily manipulated are they?  What threats to validity exist? Be sure to reference the course materials in your paper; APA format is not required but if you would like to practice, I will gladly provide you with feedback.

This paper should be at least 2 pages long with 12-point, Times New Roman (or comparable) font, double-spaced with one-inch margins all around. Put your name on the paper as well. It is due by the beginning of class. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

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