MNG82001: Organisational Behaviour – Management – Reflective Case Study Assignment Help

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Management Reflective Case Study Assignment Help


Drawing on your own personal workplace experience, write a mini case-study (max 1500 words) on one of the following OB-related topics:

Following the case-study,

two questions

should be posed which encourage the reader to examine and analyse different aspects of the case in close detail. Students should also provide a brief 200-300 word example answer for


question in order to demonstrate the potential learning outcomes of the case.

 A minimum of four distinct references from academic journals is to be included in the assignment. They can part of the case, the example answers, or spread across the two sections.

Structure and style of the Case-Study

There is no prescribed structure for the case.

It is advised that students develop a catchy title; one that gives a clue as to the focus or purpose of the case.

Although not mandatory, students might use sub-headings to help structure their case story.

The general aim is to write an interesting story which clearly illustrates a good lesson in Organisational Behaviour. It is important that the key concepts associated with the lesson are discussed in the case and that this information is presented in a logical manner (i.e. it is effectively ‘contextualised’ and the story has good ‘flow’).

At the same time, students should avoid being

too blatant

with the learning-related details. It is important for readers to ‘pick-up’ (if they read the case carefully enough) various surreptitious clues about the particular OB concept and to recognise their relevance to the intended learning objective.

While the case is based on your own experience, you should not be referring to yourself specifically (e.g. I thought…, I did…, etc). Rather, you should adopt the perspective of someone who is observing and subsequently describing the case details as they unfold.

Many textbooks across a range of disciplines provide case studies that adopt this type of perspective. Students who are unfamiliar with the approach should review various textbooks for examples.    

For students who have no workplace experience on which to base their case, they need to identify and interview someone who can provide the required first-hand insight. This will provide for a more realistic case story; as compared to simply making things up. Students can however, use a small degree of ‘artistic license’ to help promote the OB issue at the centre of their case.  

It is important that you use pseudonyms to protect the identity of the organisation and the individuals concerned.     

Refer to the documents ‘How to writing the Case Study’ and ‘Reflective Writing’ (located in Assignment 3 folder) for further advice and tips that are specific to this assignment. Two example assignments from previous sessions have also been provided to help students recognise the markers expectations for this task.

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