Waterfilling Algorithm: Greedy Algorithms- Entropy Maximisation- Physics Assignment Help

Internal Code: TV223
Physics Assignment Help:
i. Using the waterfilling technique determine the range of power levels, P, for which:
a) only one channel is used to send data (i.e. one channel is allocated non-zero power)
b) exactly two channels are used to send data
c) exactly three channels are used to send data
d) all four channels are used to send data
ii. Determine the power allocation for each channel if:
a) P = 10
b) P =20
c) P = 50
(You can do this problem either by hand or using Matlab).
iii. Suppose in (ii.b) the power is increased by 0.1 i.e. the power becomes 20.1.
WITHOUT using the waterfilling algorithm again but using the associated theory and the theory of Lagrange multipliers estimate the increase in channel capacity.
i. Determine which channels are allocated to which user.
You can solve this problem either by hand, Matlab or a combination of the two.
ii. When this channel allocation method is used in the combined channel and power allocation method in lectures under what conditions would you expect that the channel allocation would underperform? Explain.
Question 7
Many problems in optimisation are solved using what are called “greedy algorithms”. By looking sources on the internet explain what these type of algorithms are and by what principles they operate.

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