NURS2003: Pathophysiology & Pharmacology- Case Study Analysis Assignment

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Case Study Analysis Assignment:


The Questions are as Follows:

Case Study 1 – Jessica White
One of Jessica’s cousins is a second year student nurse. He tells you he doesn’t understand the pathophysiology of asthma and how it affects the respiratory system. Jessica’s mother asks you to explain to him the pathophysiology of asthma and how it affects the respiratory system using the correct medical and nursing terminology.

Case Study 2 – Greta Balodis
One of Greta’s close friends from the Latvian club has a daughter who is a second year student nurse. Greta has asked if you can explain the pathophysiology of a Cerebro Vascular Accidents (stroke) and how it affects the central nervous system to her friend’s daughter, as she doesn’t understand and has an exam approaching. Greta has given her permission for you to use her as an example. Please explain the pathophysiology of a Cerebro Vascular Accident (stroke) and how it affects the central nervous system using the correct medical and nursing terminology.

Case Study 3 – Leigh Richards
Leigh’s daughter is a second year student nurse. She tells you she doesn’t understand the pathophysiology of a pneumothorax and why they can develop into a tension pneumothorax without UWSD insertion. Please explain to her the pathophysiology of a pneumothorax and the UWSD and how it affects the cardiac & respiratory system using the correct medical and nursing terminology.

Case Study 4 – Jenny Coste
Jenny’s father Henry is a second year student nurse. He tells you that he doesn’t understand the pathophysiology of Leukaemia and how it affects the haematopoietic system. Please explain to him the pathophysiology of Leukaemia and how it affects the haematopoietic system using the correct medical and nursing terminology.

Uploaded By : jack
Posted on : February 10th, 2018
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