DIP1001: Academic English- Recreational Drugs Article- Essay Writing Assignment

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Essay Writing Assignment:

Go online to the USQ website and locate the Foundation Diploma Program you are currently enrolled in. Have a look at the discipline subject courses you can go on to study. Investigate a few of the courses that most interest you by looking at the course specs. If you are doing the Certificate of University Studies then select a course from one of the Foundation Diplomas.
Decide which course you would like to study first and review its course specification in more detail. Identify what the reading topics will be and what percentage weighting these topics are given.

Go online and discover the answers to the following three questions:
1: What is a Mind Map?
2: How do you make a Mind Map?
3: Why is a Mind Map useful?
To find the answers you are to use Wikipedia, Google and You Tube. You will find that the name most associated with Mind Maps is Tony Buzan but in the search box for Google you should only enter the phase ‘mind map’ or ‘mind
mapping’ and this will take you to plenty of resources. One way to maximize time to ensure that while on You Tube you are accessing the most relevant clips would be to look at the title of the clip, and also note how many hits that clip has had.

An essay prompt is essentially an essay question. At university a good essay prompt will identify the more specific aspects of the topic that need to be researched in order to find supporting evidence that will enable you to develop an argument and express your voice in an essay.

Discuss whether recreational use of soft drugs such as marijuana or ecstasy is less harmful than alcohol consumption and therefore should be decriminalised.

In this essay you are asked to adopt a position in relation to the prompt. This essentially means deciding whether you agree or disagree with the statement and then writing an essay to justify your position using evidence and reasoned argument. This is rather like persuading a jury of someone’s guilt or innocence; you present the evidence for both sides but show why evaluation of the evidence justifies your conclusion (position). In your answer you might like
to comment upon some of the following factors:
1. The health effects of different soft drugs compared to use of alcohol
2. The economic merits/demerits of legalisation
3. The social effects of soft drug use compared with alcohol consumption
4. Moral and or legal implications

Note in answering this question you need to research from valid and reliable supporting data and craft a credible and persuasive argument. E-tivity 3.7 will help you with this part of the essay writing process, and so will Google Scholar. If you are not aware of Google Scholar search it out in Google: we will use it a lot in this course.

Uploaded By : jack
Posted on : February 10th, 2018
Downloads : 0

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