CSE2DBF/CSE4DBF: New Endor Airlines Database – EER Model using Enterprise Architecture – IT Assessment Answer

CSE2DBF/CSE4DBF: IT Assessment Answer



New Endor Airlines Database

New Endor Airlines (NEA) is the premier aviation service in the small island nation of New Endor, located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean. For the 40 years since its inception, NEA has operated effectively with paper-based record keeping. Recently, New Endor has grown in popularity as a business and tourism destination. Due to increased demand for their services, NEA has decided to modernize their record keeping and automate much of their management activity. You have been contracted by NEA to design a new relational database that fits in with their current business practices. The database that you will design is focused on flight and aircraft management and is described in full here. Ticket billing, advertising and other business activities are handled in different databases that you will not be dealing with.

NEA operates local and international flights. Being small and somewhat geographically isolated, all international flights from New Endor are classified as long-haul, and all local flights are classified as short-haul. Flights are identified by a unique 9 digit flight identifier. The last 3 digits of the flight identifier are referred to as the flight number. Passengers are given only the flight number (e.g. a ticket reads flight number NE370), and the airline ensures that no two flights with the same flight number are in the air simultaneously. Flight details that are recorded include the intended departure date and time, departure terminal, arrival terminal, route information (including departure and arrival locations), passenger/ticket and staff details, and details about the aircraft being operated.

Each aircraft is given a unique aircraft number, and classified into one of two types according to which type of flight they are used for: short-haul or long-haul. For short-haul aircraft, NEA dedicates some cargo space to mail transport, so the dedicated mail cargo capacity is stored (though other details regarding mail will be handled in a different database). For long-haul aircraft, extra medical supplies are required, so they record the number of advanced medical packs and the number of defibrillators on board. All aircraft must be serviced regularly, with an entry added to the aircraft’s Service Log. The service log includes the date of service, a description of work done, and the cost of servicing. If an aircraft’s details are deleted from the database, then the service log will also be deleted. The frequency of servicing depends on the aircraft model, which is also retained in the database along with basic model information such as the unique model identifier, number of economy class seats, business class seats, first class seats, the cargo capacity, fuel capacity, length, wingspan, and the number of flight hours between services as recommended by the manufacturer. The airline often purchases more than one of each aircraft model.

Flights must be carefully planned prior to departure. Each flight travels along one strictly defined route. Each route has a unique route identifier, route description, departure location and arrival location. A location is defined as a local or international airport, having a unique 3 letter airport code (issued by the International Air Transport Association). Additional location information includes the country, address and contact details of the airport. A location can be the destination of more than one route. Similarly, a location can be the departure point of more than one route. Also, a route can be reused for multiple different flights. Aside from choosing the route, flight planners must take fuel consumption, weather conditions and air traffic into account. So, each flight should have a planned average speed, average height, estimated journey duration (in minutes) and estimated fuel consumption.

Each flight ticket is for only one customer and only one flight. When a customer buys a flight ticket, NEA assigns them a unique customer number and collects a number of details (see Appendix A) for flight management. The passenger’s name, home address, home country, birth date, passport number (if held), email and phone number are kept on file. For the particular flight, NEA assigns a unique ticket number to the passenger and also records the passenger’s checked luggage limit (in kilograms), seat number, flight class code (economy ‘E’, business ‘B’ or first class ‘F’), as well as a short description of any food allergies or medical conditions that the passenger may have. The details of a ticket are only generated once the customer purchases it, and ticket availability is determined by the number of seats on the aircraft model. For each flight, passengers may choose either a regular in-flight meal or the alternative option which is both vegan and gluten free. Other ticket details such as invoices, advertising and pricing are handled on a separate database. Customer, ticket and flight details are all kept on the database indefinitely after a flight.

Each flight has at least two pilots on board: The flight captain and the first officer. The captain has ultimate responsibility for everything that happens during the flight. During each flight, the captain makes a single entry in the Captain’s Log, recording the actual time and date of departure and arrival, as well as a short description of each irregular event that occurred during flight (see Appendix B). The First Officer (FO) is second in command and so, like the captain, the FO is distinguished from any additional pilots that may be on board. When a pilot is hired by NEA, they are given a staff number, and their total hours of prior flight experience are recorded, along with their name, address, email, phone number, passport number (as all NEA flight staff must have a passport), and a list of qualifications/licenses held.

To be captain or FO on a flight, an NEA pilot must have at least 3000 logged hours (counting both prior experience and time with NEA) and must also hold an Air Transport Pilot License (ATPL). A pilot holding only a Commercial Pilot License (CPL) may be employed on a flight (e.g., as a trainee pilot), but not as captain or FO. To train other pilots, a pilot must hold a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) qualification. To keep a record of pilot activities, NEA assigns a short two letter ‘activity code’ for each additional pilot on board each flight (aside from the captain and the FO). This code categorizes the reason that the pilot was on board (e.g., ‘TR’ signifies training). Along with this, NEA wishes to store a short description of the activities undertaken by the additional pilots (e.g., a pilot may fly with activity code ‘TR’ and have activity description ‘precision instrument approach training’). When flight training occurs, there may or may not be customers/passengers  or  other  staff  on board.

The other type of staff to be covered by the database are flight attendants. When hired by the NEA, flight attendants, like pilots, are issued with a staff number, and their name, address, email, phone number and passport number are recorded. It is possible that an NEA employee could be both a flight attendant and an airline pilot (it is not uncommon for NEA pilots in training to work as flight attendants between training flights). All staff members are automatically given membership to the prestigious NEA Companions Club (NEACC), receiving their own NEACC member number that provides access to regular rewards such as complementary flight upgrades and exclusive member dinners. First class passengers and frequent repeat customers are also treated to NEACC membership. NEACC members accrue ‘FlightGold’ member points, which may be earned and/or used during flight, so the number of points of all current members are stored.


You are required to develop an EER model for the above problem description. The EER should contain all necessary information such as entities, attributes, primary keys, relationships (including specialization/generalization if any), cardinalities, and participation (including (min, max)). All specialization/generalization and union type must be represented accordingly, instead being treated as simple association relationships. Any assumptions should also be stated clearly. If assumptions are made, it is important to make sure that the assumptions reflect possible real practice for a particular industry and do not contradict with the problem description above. Assignment should be typed, not written/drawn by hand. Use any software to draw figures in your assignment.

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