Choose Either Topic A Or Topic B. To Answer These Topics Completely, It Takes A Minimum Of 2 Pages – 8-10 Paragraphs. Use The Topic Questions And The Scoring Rubric To See If Your Draft Responds Fully To All Parts Of The Question. A Complete Thoughtful An

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Essay Writing Tips

Choose either Topic A or Topic B. To answer these topics completely, it takes a minimum of 2 pages – 8-10 paragraphs. A complete thoughtful answer is more important than word count.
Topic A:
What is Martin Gardner’s argument for the objectivist view of art? Do you agree? Why or why not?

Use Vaughn’s textbook to help you explain Gardner’s theory and its strengths and weaknesses. Choose an object, performance, or piece of writing as an example, and explain whether Gardner’s theory would classify the object as Art. Do you agree with objectivism about Art or do you find another theory more convincing? Defend your point of view.
Topic B:
Explain Locke’s view of human nature. Use details from the textbook to support your description. Explain Hobbes’s view of human nature, again using details from the textbook to support your description. How do Locke’s view of human nature and Hobbes’ view differ? Which do you think is more accurate? Explain, and defend your answer.Between the three plays Trifles, M.Butterfly and A Doll House what persistant themes links them together? How it that theme integral to each play? How do the plays seem true to us?
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Essay question –

The job of all art is to call into being what we already know intuitively is true. If we continue to read and think about works of literature, it is because we still find value in our experience of the work.

Though the three plays we read and discussed are from different eras, geographies, cultures, and languages, what persistent theme do you find that links them together? How is that theme integral to each individual play? How do the plays seem true to us?

Write a well-organized, focused essay, referring to the three plays evenly throughout your discussion.

Plays – Trifles, M.Butterfly and A Doll House

1000-1200 words , Due on turnitin.comACES Progress Assessment: nursing coursework help
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At the beginning of the semester, you took the ACES Assessment . Now that we are at the end of the semester, . Please submit the detailed answers to the following questions:

Provide an overview of your results and how they did (or did not) change from your first to second ACES assessment. Look in particular at the feedback of your highest scales. Did these change from your ACES pre-test at the beginning of the semester? What do you think helped you improve these strengths? Are there any areas you would personally like to continue focusing on? If so, how do you plan to address these areas of improvement?Homework Question: nursing coursework help
Help me study for my English class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

Compare and contrast the 2017 and 2018 DNI Worldwide Threat Assessment. Why the change? [Assume what’s addressed first is first priority and what’s addressed last is last].

Required Readings:

2017 Annotated Worldwide Threat Assessment:

2018 Annotated Worldwide Threat Assessment:

Instructions: Fully utilize the materials that have been provided to you in order to support your response. Please respond to at least two other students and provide substantive comments that contribute something new and important to the discussion. You may challenge, support or supplement another student’s answer using the terms, concepts and theories from the required readings. Also, do not be afraid to respectfully disagree where you feel appropriate; as this should be part of your analysis process at this academic level.

200-250 words for discussion and 100-150 words for student responses

Student Responses

Student #1 Miguel

Compare and contrast the 2017 and 2018 DNI Worldwide Threat Assessment. Why the change?

Comparing the 2017 and 2018 Director of national intelligence Worldwide threat assessment makes it a bit easy because these threats are very similar to each other. All though there are some unique changes, the different tweaks include the priorities of different threats to American national security in both assessments. The united states has to take all threats seriously and ensure that the DHS along wit other government agencies are doing there best to remain vigilant against all threats. This is assuming the first threat in both assessments is top priority and the last threat is least priority.

According to Coats (2017), “Cyber threats are already challenging public trust and confidence in global institutions, governance, and norms, while imposing costs on the United States and global economies” (p.1). Foreign countries that include Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea will pose the greatest cyber threat to the United States (Coats, 2018). Transnational criminals can launch cyber-attacks for profit and use cyber-attacks for theft and extortion (Coats, 2018).

The 2017 and 2018 assessments had human security as the lowest priority in both reports. Human security in this assessment relates to environmental risks and climate change. This threat is caused by global air pollution, rapid industrialization, urbanization, forest burning, and agricultural was incineration (Coats, 2018)

This mention threat can be considered low priority of all the threats in this assessment, but the US can’t forget about it and continue to counter and lower threat probabilities on this threat. Another big change in priority from 2017 to 2018 is the weapons of mass destruction priority list., In 2017 they were listed 4th and in 2018 went up to second. With the crises in Syria and use of chemical weapons can be the determination factor on why this priority moved up to 2nd. Not to mention other countries like china and Russia developing their weapons systems like cruise missile systems, road mobile system and silo-based systems.

Coats, D. (2017). Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community. Retrieved February 2, 2019, from Center for Homeland Defense and Security:…

Coats, D. (2018). Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community. Retrieved February 2, 2019, from Center for Homeland Defense and Security:…

Student #2 Stephanie

When comparing 2017 vs. 2018 National Intelligence (DNI) Worldwide Threat Assessment, we can see similarities in both documents.

If we are looking at priority in order 2017 presents Cyber Security first and Human Security last excluding Regional threats. 2018 Global Threats first, and like 2017 Human security and Regional threats last.

From the start in the 2018 Threat assessment, I notice the forward. I like that it does have the forward and does not just jump right into things like the 2017 version. I also like that it addresses the threat of competition among countries due to significant powers and regional aggressors exploiting global trends. As well as the risk of violent extremist groups evolving from losses in the middle east. And The uncertainty about the capability of the United States to maintain its international commitments. The document names North Korea, China, Iran, and Russia as the biggest threats to our cyber domain and addresses how the cyber threats continues to grow. The shift is seen from terrorist from the Islamic state to North Korea.

The 2017 Threat assessment begins with global threats focusing immediately on cyber threats and mentions Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Terrorists, and Criminals. It also describes how it can physically, psychologically, and economically affect our nation. The arctic was mentioned more in the 2017 assessment, while 2018 focused more on political turbulence. The 2018 assessment produces evidence by charts of areas with Cyber-attack capabilities as well as offering how exactly how that threat can affect the nation.

2017 list emerging and disruptive technologies as the top two threats, but 2018 shifted its focus and assessed the top two threats as cyber threats and weapons of mass destruction. The threat landscape is ever-changing and this document is reflective of that. Many of our adversaries have been diminished in areas like Iraq, and Afghanistan However Iran remains the most prominent and should not be dismissed in the future since it is still a source of funding and weapons.

There are a lot of similarities in both 2017 and 2018 both who identify Cyber Threats, Emerging and Disruptive Technologies, Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction and Proliferation, Space and Counter space, Counterintelligence, Transnational Organized Crime, Economics, and Natural Resources, as well as, Human Security. The regional threat areas covered are nearly Identical, naming East Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa, South Asia, Russia and Eurasia, Europe, Africa, and the Western Hemisphere

I like that the 2018 version has the charts; it helps someone that learns the way I do absorb more. It’s clearly more in depth, and current with the risk landscape we’re facing now.


Coates, D. R. (2017). Worldwide Threat Assessment of The US Intelligence Community. Retrieved from Unclassified SFR – Final.pdf

Coates, D. R. (2018). Worldwide Threat Assessment of The US Intelligence Community. Retrieved from—Unclassified-SSCI.pdfDescribe the three levels of case management with a brief example of a micro, meso, and macro level need that a typical client in addiction treatment might have.
I’m studying for my Psychology class and need an explanation.

In the assigned reading, you will learn about Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model that describes three basic levels of case management considerations. You will also read about standard models of case management for clients who are in substance use treatment in the TIP Guide.

Read Chapter 3: “Applying the Ecological Model”

Read TIP Guide 27, pp.18–28

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. (2015). Case management for substance abuse treatment. Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) Series 27. Retrieved from…

Discussion Board

SMART Goal Setting in Case Management

Case managers use a variety of case management models in their work with clients. The strength-based approach is used in most behavioral health settings because of the emphasis on the client as a whole person with strengths and experiences that can be used in treatment. These strengths, along with their needs, are considered during the goal writing process. These goals are used to in the creation of a case management plan. The process is described in your assigned reading. Using the information from the assigned reading respond to the questions below.

Explain the strength-based approach of case management include the basic concepts of strength-based assessment and provide an example of a strength-based goal.

Describe the three levels of case management with a brief example of a micro, meso, and macro level need that a typical client in addiction treatment might have.

Considering what you have learned, read the following scenario and respond to the questions below.

Scenario: Carole

Carole is a 20-year-old Caucasian female who has lived in a rural town for most of her life. Recently, she moved to the city and became involved in using drugs (cocaine and methamphetamine). She lost her job, her apartment, and friends. She has been in treatment with your agency for the past week and is ready to develop a case management plan. Her parents still live in a rural town and do not know of her current situation. She is sleeping during the day on park and bus benches and hiding at night. She is afraid of being attacked and worries that she will use drugs again. She is in treatment but is struggling to get to the treatment center each day for group.

As her case manager, what are two SMART goals that address her micro or meso level needs?

Which referrals could meet her most immediate needs (use your Las Vegas, Nevada?

Textbook-Summers, N. (2015). Fundamentals of Case Management Practice: Skills for the Human Services.

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