Consider And Discuss The Specific Risks And Nature Of The Company You Will Be Auditing And Create Comprehensive Work Programs For The Acquisition, Payment, Property Plant, And Equipment (Fixed Assets), Notes Payable And Owner’s Equity Accounts And Cycles.

I don’t know how to handle this Accounting question and need guidance.

Submit a 700- to 1,050-word document that includes the following:
Audit steps for tests of controls, balances, transactions, analytical procedures, etc. as well as other considerations such as sample size and sample methodology. A brief summary page should be included in this document, 525 to 700 words, for each of the audit programs. Include in this summary specific financial information gleaned from the current Form 10-K used to perform an analysis of work program steps. For example, if the team noted significant swings in the Fixed Assets balance year-over-year, identify these swings, and how you address them in your work program (this is in essence an audit procedure – analytical review).Quick Discussion: nursing case study help
I’m working on a Psychology question and need guidance to help me study.

Group work is a commonly used method within school settings. Because peer interaction is important in the emotional and social development of children, the task group can serve as a wonderful therapeutic setting and tool; however, many factors should be considered when implementing this type of intervention.

For this Discussion, read the Van Velsor (2009) article.

Post your understanding of task groups as an intervention for children. Use the model for effective problem solving to compare and contrast (how to identify the problem, develop goals, collect data). How does this model differ from a traditional treatment group? What are the advantages and possible disadvantages of this model? Describe how you might use this model for adults. What populations would most benefit from this model?Wk 2 – Apply: Management Planning Worksheet
I’m trying to learn for my Management class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

Complete the Management Planning Worksheet

Choose a large company, such as Amazon, Apple, Disney, or Home Depot, or a company with which you are familiar to assess the planning function of management. Fix out worksheet in APA format. Each section explians what is needed and minimum count of words. In total less than 1000 wordsT01 Hospitality Service HSTM-4465
I’m studying for my Management class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Please read the following case study and answer the eight discussion questions at the end: HSTM 4465-Bed Bug Case Study.pdf

You are expected to thoroughly answer these questions and use outside resources to support your reasoning. A simple sentence will not suffice as a response. I want to know more from the responses than your opinion or what is already stated in the case study content. I am expecting you to utilize multiple outside resources to support your responses. Each question will be worth 3.75 points. The remaining 15 points will account for you utilizing outside resources and properly formatting your document according to APA guidelines.Respond to 2 classmates ?: assignment help philadelphia
I’m studying and need help with a Law question to help me learn.

1.With the reading in this week’s discussion of the harsh conditions in Romanian orphanages, under the cruel dictatorship of Nicolae Ceasescu. These children went through unimaginable conditions and trauma and some endured all this for a long time. I have seen stories of children being resilient in situations where they were left homeless or abused and conquered their fear and was able to come out on top. Then there were situations where the children are traumatized to the point that they continue this cycle with other children or even develop other disturbing issues. But to the ones that were able to overcome these challenges it was very hard and detrimental, definitely not easy to conquer and to begin to continue with their life. You have to makes sure a person’s mental well-being and their physical well-being to are capable of functioning productively and not being haunted by the trauma of their memories and situation. Children have to be better protected than what the world has been doing, they have to in an environment where they are safe from all harm and danger. They have to be well nourished instead of so many being malnourished, the world can do better if they really wanted to do better in my opinion.

2.Children are often placed in situation not of their making and to which they must be “strong” to overcome the adverse effects. One of the worst in my mind is to be subject to sexual abuse by a family member living in their home. They are raised to trust their family, to not questions, to not tell. So the sexual abuse becomes normal to them, though inside them they “feel” it is wrong. as long they are naive to the home life of others they are able to accept and cope. The moment they are faced wit the fact that their normal is not every ones normal, the world changes for them. they immediately become less than in their own eyes and struggle with how to survive their life. these children grow up not only with low self esteems, but with very little respect for their own uniqueness and rights. They develop trust issues and can fall into other vices that take control of their lives. As hard as it is to hear they can even learn to use the abuse as a survival tool, giving in trade for things needed or simply wanted. These children have much to overcome as adults if they are to survive and function in normal circumstances. the one thing I know for sure is that we all have to protect our children and other peoples children, Have our eyes open to what is happening and never be afraid of being wrong in accusing someone. I’d rather be wrong in accusing someone than to have been silent and allowing a child to go through the horror.

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