I Invite My Parents To A Dinner Party.

I’m studying for my English class and need an explanation.

Chen Chen (Links to an external site.)

In the invitation, I tell them for the seventeenth time(the fourth in writing), that I am gay.

In the invitation, I include a picture of my boyfriend& write, You’ve met him two times. But this time,

you will ask him things other than can you pass thewhatever. You will ask him

about him. You will enjoy dinner. You will beenjoyable. Please RSVP.

They RSVP. They come.They sit at the table & ask my boyfriend

the first of the conversation starters I slip themupon arrival: How is work going?

I’m like the kid in Home Alone, orchestratingevery movement of a proper family, as if a pair

of scary yet deeply incompetent burglarsis watching from the outside.

My boyfriend responds in his chipper way.I pass my father a bowl of fish ball soup—So comforting,

isn’t it? My mother smiles her bestSitting with Her Son’s Boyfriend

Who Is a Boy Smile. I smile my Hurray for Doinga Little Better Smile.

Everyone eats soup.Then, my mother turns

to me, whispers in Mandarin, Is he coming with youfor Thanksgiving? My good friend is & she wouldn’t like

this. I’m like the kid in Home Alone, pullingon the string that makes my cardboard mother

more motherly, except she isnot cardboard, she is

already, exceedingly my mother. Waitingfor my answer.

While my father opens upa Boston Globe, when the invitation

clearly stated: No securityblankets. I’m like the kid

in Home Alone, except the homeis my apartment, & I’m much older, & not alone,

& not the one who needsto learn, has to—Remind me

what’s in that recipe again, my boyfriend saysto my mother, as though they have always, easily

talked. As though no one has told himmany times, what a nonlinear slapstick meets

slasher flick meets psychologicalpit he is now co-starring in.

Remind me, he saysto our family.

POETRY PROMPT – for this poem I want you to invite a poet (Shakesphere, Whitman, Rumi,…) to dinner. How does the dinner go, what do you eat, drink, and discuss? How do you interact? How does the dinner go? Your poem must have a title. Your poem must be 20 lines in length, lines must be a minimum of six words per line, maximum 12 words per line. The poet you invite to dinner can be living or dead. Your poet can be anyone but they must have published poetry that can be found on the Internet.one page assignment
I’m studying for my Computer Science class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

based on cloud cyber security thread

the organization needs to have a better understanding of cloud security thread currently affects the company.

Create an original10 question survey asking questions about (your topic) in MS Wordor as a PDF.

•The survey should be based on a 5-point Likert scale and be in a survey format

•The results of the survey questions should provide you with insight on the current security posture of the organization by department and their level of understanding of this threat

.•Be creative with the 10 questions and make sure each question is related to your topic

•The relevance of these question will help identify the current security posture of the organization.

•Check the Internet if needed on how to design a Likert Scale survey.

•All surveys should be completed independently by each student. Duplicate surveys(exact questions or extremely similar questions) submitted by multiple students will receive a grade of zero.

•No APA or references are needed for this assignment.Short discussion about business law and economics: nursing case study help
Need help with my Business Law question – I’m studying for my class.

You can read and answer these discussions.

1. Svartalfheim manufactures forges. Brokkr&Sindri, maker of fine hammers, had decided to purchase new forges. Eitri, a representative of Svartalfheim, met with Thor, the president of Brokkr&Sindri, to describe the advantages of Svartalfheim’s new forges. Eitri also drew rough plans of the alterations that would be required in the Brokkr&Sindri manufacturing hall, Asgard, to accommodate the new forges, including additional floor space and new electrical installations, and left the plans with Thor.

On January 21, Thor received a letter signed by Loki, a member of Svartalfheim’s sales staff, offering to sell the required number of forges at a cost of $2.4 million. The offer contained provisions relating to the delivery schedule, warranties, and payment terms, but did not specify a particular mode of acceptance of the offer. Thor immediately decided to accept the offer, and telephoned Svartalfheim’s office. Loki was out of town, and Thor left the following message: “Looks good. I’m sold. Call me when you get back so we can discuss details.”

Thor next telephoned Nidavellir and rejected an outstanding offer by Nidavellir to sell forges to Brokkr&Sindri similar to those offered by Svartalfheim. Using the rough plans drawn by Eitri, Boss also directed that work begin on the necessary manufacturing hall renovations. By January 24, a wall had been demolished in the manufacturing hall and a contract had been signed for the new electrical installations.

On January 25, the President of the United States announced a ban on imports of foreign computerized heavy equipment. This removed from the American market a foreign manufacturer that had been the only competitor of Svartalfheim and Nidavellir. That afternoon, Thor received a telegram from Svartalfheim stating, “All outstanding offers are withdrawn.” In a subsequent telephone conversation, Loki told Thor that Svartalfheim would not deliver the forges for less than $2.9 million. A telephone call by Thor to Nidavellir revealed that Nidavellir’s entire output had been sold to another buyer.

Was Svartalfheim obligated to sell the forges to Brokkr&Sindri for $2.4 million? Discuss.

Assume Svartalfheim was so obligated. What are Brokkr&Sindri’s rights and remedies against Svartalfheim? Discuss

2. Macroeconomic

Create a basket of goods by listing 10 items that would in a typical basket of goods and try to incorporate items from multiple categories. Then describe how the basket of goods is used to calculate CPI.Configuring a Secure Wireless Network: nursing case study help
I don’t understand this Computer Science question and need help to study.

Your office has implemented a WLAN and needs you to configure the WLAN environment with three Cisco Meraki™ MR62 wireless access points (WAPs) in order to access the Internet and intercommunicate. Security is not overly important at this time.

WAP Placement:

The Visio® diagram provided, “Office Wireless Network,” shows the placement of each WAP within the building.


The firewall is located in the Data Center.

IP Information:

The organization has an external IP address of and uses private IPv4 space on the 10 network. The IP space for internal routers and access points is 10.0.1.x with all IPs available above

Before working on this assignment, research the wireless access pointon the Cisco Meraki™ documentation site.

Using the information from the Cisco Meraki™ site, document the configuration value to implement each device in the “WLAN Configuration Design Template” to allow all networked computers to communicate with each other and the Internet.

Complete the 1-page “WLAN Configuration Design Template” spreadsheet.

Create 1- to 2-page diagram depicting the process you took to identify the appropriate configuration settings for each device. Your audience is your director, so be clear and explain the vulnerabilities that exist in the implemented environment.Case Study: Belle Meade
I’m trying to learn for my Business class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

Please answer the following questions with a minimum of 350 words. Include a total of 3 or more references. Please do not add a cover sheet or reference page. The references should follow the particular question. The case study has been attached and can be found on pages 449-455.

(1) In a narrative format discuss some of the problems Belle Meade faced as a traditional nonprofit? Why is it important for nonprofit organizations to apply business principles since they do not earn profit?

(2) Explain how social entrepreneurship works and why it was so effective for Belle Meade Plantation.

(3) As a member of Belle Meade’s strategic planning group, what are some ways you might look into expanding the organization’s social enterprise?

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