Linguistic 100 : Phonetics Practice Activities

I’m studying and need help with a English question to help me learn.

Part One: Voicing

Are the following sounds voiced or voiceless?

a. [f]

b. [s]

c. [l]

d. [h]

Part Two: Place of Articulation.

Use the IPA chart on Canvas and write the place of articulation for each sound below:

a. [k]

b. [b]

c. [t]

d. [x]

Part Three: Manner of Articulation

Use the IPA chart on Canvas and write two symbols for each manner of articulation below.

a. Stop/plosive

b. Fricative

c. Nasal

Part Four: Describing Consonants

Use the IPA chart to write the symbol for each consonant described below.

a. Voiced bilabial stop

b. Voiceless velar fricative

c. Voiced alveolar nasal

Part Five: Vowels

Use the IPA vowel chart to write a symbol for each vowel description:

a. High front vowel

b. High back vowel

c. Low back vowel

Part Six: Vowels

Say the following words. Are the vowel sounds rounded or unrounded? Tense or lax?

a. He

b. No

c. WhoAnswer the questions related to the case study: Dynamic Capabilities at IBM: assignment help online
Help me study for my Management class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

Why is IBM underperforming the broader technology market for several years now? What are the reasons for its sustained competitive disadvantage?

Describe the three current transformations that IBM is facing. What causes these transformations? Who are the main competitors?

What is dynamic capability? Looking at IBM’s track record of technological transformation depicted in Exhibit MC7.1, which role did dynamic capabilities play in these successful transformations?

Do you believe that IBM is likely to master the current three-pronged tech transformation as identified? Why or why not? Explain.

IBM’s decision to end greater work flexibility and require co-location of employees in the office was met with some consternation. How do you see IBM’s decision, and what are likely positive and negative consequences?Research paper
I need support with this Computer Science question so I can learn better.


Hints: select peer-review articles, chapter 9, 13, and 15 can assist you with this assignment.

You need to submit a paper for elaborating on the challenges in dealing with international shareholders in developing countries. If you do not have international business experience, your reading material will help you much. Your essay must be NOT less than 1500 words, excluding the list of references.

Your paper must be a correct APA format, use proper grammar, and will need to include at three (3) resources, ALL of which must:

1) Be current. Published within the last few years, but not older than 2014.

2) Be peer-reviewed.

3) Relate directly to Information Technology in a Global Economy.


Every resource you choose must be peer-reviewed. That means the paper must have undergone a formal peer review before being published in a journal or presented at a conference. You must ensure that your resources have undergone rigorous revisions. In most cases, you can find out the review process for a meeting or journal by visiting the appropriate web site. Do not merely assume that a resource is peer reviewed – check it out.​Time Value of Money Assignment
I’m trying to study for my Accounting course and I need some help to understand this question.

Time Value of Money Assignment

Resource & Review

The time value of money is one of the most important concepts in finance. So many decisions are made based upon this concept. This assignment provides an opportunity for learning and practicing some of the basic time value of money formulas.

The time value of money is based upon the premise that a dollar today is not worth the same as a dollar in the future or in the past.

The following examples use a HP-12C financial calculator. You might have to modify for different calculators. However, you can get the same answer by using tables or Excel.

Note: Excel is required for this assignment. There are two Excel help files provided for your convenience. Please use the attached spreadsheet provide by my instructor.
If you put $500 in a savings account today at 12% interest, what will it be worth in 5 years? Try the same problem compounding interest on a quarterly basis. You want $10,000 in your account at the end of 10 years. What do you have to put into your account today in order to achieve your goal if your account pays 8% interest? Let’s try the number 3. Take your answer (PV), FV, and n — and try to solve for i. You should get the answer of 8. If you put $500 in a savings account at the end of each year at 12% interest, what will it be worth in 5 years? If you put $10,000 in your account at the end of every year for 10 years, what is it worth now if your account pays 8% interest?
Hint: This is a future value problem.

Calculator keystrokes: 500 press PV

12 press i

5 press n

to solve ___ press FV

Hint: This is a present value problem.

Calculator keystrokes: 10,000 press FV

8 press i

10 press n

to solve ___ press PV

Another Hint: Be sure to clear everything out of financial memory before continuing. (f key, then the fin key; note the clx key only clears the register, not the memory.)

Hint: When solving for i or n, be sure to enter either the FV or the PV as a negative or you will get an error.

With the above items, we have computed two of the four basic time value of money problems—future value and present value.

The next two problems are similar—they are called annuities. In a story problem, it is easy to detect an annuity. You should look for the words “each” or “every.” See if you can detect them in problems 5 and 6, which are similar to Problems 1 through 4.

Hint: This is a future value of an annuity problem.

Calculator keystrokes: 500 press PMT

12 press i

5 press n

to solve ___ press FV

Hint: This is a present value of an annuity problem.

Calculator keystrokes: 10,000 press PMT

8 press i

10 press n

to solve ___ press PV

There are different ways to solve for these types of problems.

Calculation Analysis

The above examples were given in a calculator format, where it is easy to see what is required. Now, calculate the above 6 items in Microsoft Excel.

Note: Use the two Excel help files to assist you in understanding the Time Value of Money Process.

Written Analysis

Answer the following questions in the Excel Spreadsheet after completing the computations:
Why is the time value of money concept important to a nonprofit’s fiscal health? If you were the executive director of a small nonprofit offering programmatic technical assistance to other nonprofits, when would you use cost-benefit analysis?PS401 Unit 4: Case Study: nursing essay help
Help me study for my Psychology class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

Unit 4: Case Study Directions

The completed Group Case assignment that is posted needs to be a combined effort and only one assignment is to be posted for the group. Do not post this assignment as an attachment.


-Cultural Aspects



The APA format needs to be used for documenting your sources within and at the end of the assignment.

Individual Response
Is the information complete or does additional information need to be added? Are there inconsistencies between the information presented by the group and the information from the text? Are there unanswered questions? Support from the text is needed in your response.

Case study #5–“Major Depressive Disorder”


-Cultural Aspects



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