Discussion Posts Communication

I’m studying for my Management class and need an explanation.

For the following two discussion topics respond with 250 words each and cite if needed.

1) You should have a good understanding of your own personality and communication style, but how well do you understand the styles of other people?

The purpose of this discussion is:
to practice framing your messages in ways that are appealing to people who are different from you, and to understand how “flexing” your communication style can help you become more influential.
For your first post, start by listing your MBTI (Jungian) personality type. Then, describe how you like to communicate, using your personality type as well as any other individual preferences you may have.


2. Identify a strategic networking opportunity. The best networking events will be related to your national business/industry association. Events where you will meet people from top companies and organizations (such as those listed in the Tampa Bay Business Journal or non-profit events where business leaders in your field will be) are appropriate choices, as is a service organization. If you live outside the Tampa Bay area, choose an event in your local area.

List of Potential Networking Events: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B85bdAMLyQSPCVjD0ntvB0TuwBR2pI-gR_lCfgUGFJA/edit?usp=sharing

Other Networking Opportunities:

Third Tuesdays Networking Extravaganza


Tech Talk – TB Innovates (offered only periodically – check for dates)



Several chapters in convenient locations throughout the area

Chamber of Commerce Chapters (several in area)

Events, networking, meetingsPolitical Science Analytical Essay: online nursing assignment help
Help me study for my Political Science class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

In an essay of 4 to 6 pages (1,000 to 1,500 words), please answer the following prompt. I expect you to write your essay based on the assigned readings, on class forums, and on lectures and other video materials presented on the web site. I do not expect you to supplement these sources with outside research.

I also expect you to provide appropriate citations to your sources. If this is the text, you should use parenthetical endnoting with specific page references (e.g. Ginsberg, et. al. 2019: 41). If you are citing a lecture, you should provide the lecture number. Videos should be named using the title from the web page.

Analytical Essay Prompt

The results of the 2016 and 2018 national elections raise significant questions about the future of America’s political parties and the viability of America’s electoral processes. In an essay, describe the roles that political parties and candidate characteristics play in mobilizing electoral participation in contemporary U.S. elections and analyze how individual characteristics of voters (such as socioeconomic status), political socialization, electoral laws, and electoral practices influence voting likelihood. Where possible use examples from recent national campaigns for national office discussed in the assigned text and in the lectures/video supplements.

I will provide necessary chapters of the textbook, and also selective lecture power points.OL-125-R3951 Human Relations in Admin
I’m working on a Business exercise and need support.

3-4 Short Response

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For this short response paper, you will address your own knowledge of communication, which is necessary for successful leadership and human relations across the business environment.

For additional details, please refer to the Module Three Short Response Guidelines and Rubric document.

Complete 3-4 – Short Response Paper One – Details and the rubric for this assignment are visible in Learning Module 3. The length of the assignment is a minimum of three paragraphs, as you should have a minimum of one paragraph to answer each question or section, of which there are three (3). Your paper should be double spaced, using a 12-point Times appropriate or professional font, with one-inch margins on all sides of the paper. You may want to review section 3.3 of your web-text as a resource for review prior to starting our paper. Your paper should be well written and contain zero errors in grammar and spelling, professional and organized in an easy to read format. If you use any sources or research, please cite, following APA guidelines, the required format for the School of Business. More information on how to cite properly, including the bibliography, can be found at this link: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/

It does say it needs to be 250–300 words which means about 2 pages in APA format. It has to original to is submitted to TURNITIN to make sure.

If need more information please let me know.Discussion Responses for Wk 3 Part 1
I need help with a Accounting question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Respond to two or more of your colleagues in one or more of the following ways:
Provide insights or contrasting observations regarding the alternatives to discounted cash flows from reading their posts. Comment on a scenario presented and provide additional insight into the method presented and/or propose a different method for making the decision along with your rationale for choosing that method.
Support your comments with your own experiences, the weekly resources, and/or additional research.DIRECTIONS: Please answer the following questions about the Franklin Foer’s essay “World without Mind.”: nursing assignment help
I don’t know how to handle this English question and need guidance.

Foer clearly believes that the Internet is killing privacy. How does he see the Internet as doing so? In other words, what are the specific threats that come from the internet, and why should they be considered threats? What is your response to Foer’s analysis of how the Internet is killing privacy? Do you agree or disagree with Foer? Why or why not? And what is your response to his proposal for dealing with the threat? Do you believe it is necessary? Sufficient? Possible? Why or why not? Foer proposes a way of addressing the threat he argues the Internet poses. What specific evidence or criteria does he use in establishing the existence of an actual threat? What specific evidence or criteria does he offer in support of his proposal? Evaluate these sets of evidence and criteria.

2 paragraph each

I attach the essay

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