Install Windows Server 2012 R2 On Your VirtualBox. DO The Hands-on Project: Project 5-6 (p. 257 From Textbook)

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DO the Hands-on Project:
Project 5-6 (p. 257 from textbook)
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Fig. 5-16: Choosing the edition & interface Fig. 51-7: Server Manager Dashboard Fig. 5-18: Local Server PropertiesUsing the Apple 2014 case and Ch. 4, Exhibit 4.7 (Forces and PESTEL Factors Driving Competition)
Need help with my Business question – I’m studying for my class.

Apple 2014 and The Global Smartphone Industry : SWA Short Written Assignment Typed, outline format, 2 pages max, complete Ch.4 Exhibit 4.7 – Summarize your conclusions in one page – Typed – You do not have type exhibit 4.7.

Using the Apple 2014 case and Ch. 4, Exhibit 4.7 (Forces and PESTEL Factors Driving Competition) Summarize your conclusions from Exhibit 4.7 – Length 2 pages (Completed exhibit 4.7 plus 1 page write,-up outline, bullets) Using the Apple 2014 case #1 ASTC and Ch. 4 Exhibit 4.7 (Forces and PESTEL Factors Driving Competition) fill in Exhibit 4.7 for Apple and of the Global Smartphone Industry. How might each competitive force (i.e., customer bargaining power, supplier power, other forces) of the global smartphone industry differ from the perspective of Apple versus other smartphone manufacturers?week 4 discussion: nursing assignment help services
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Week 4 Discussion

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Week 4 Discussion

The discussion assignment provides a forum for discussing relevant topics for this week based on the course competencies covered. For this assignment, make sure you post your initial response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Provide a detailed response to the topic questions in the Discussion Area. For this assignment, post your responses directly to the Discussion Area; do not attach any documents.

To support your work, make sure you use your course and text readings. When asked, also use outside sources. As in all assignments, cite the sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible. Respond to at least two of your classmates. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Complete your participation for this assignment by the end of the week
Judicial Conduct
In this assignment, you will research about different aspects of judicial abuse of power.

Using the South University Online Library, research the following:
Judicial misconduct Judicial ethics Conflict of interest Recusal
Based on your research and these four elements, discuss the following scenario and give reasons for your answers.
An angry state judge held state attorneys in contempt for failing to follow a court order and deliver critical documents to defendant Anne Marie Johnson’s attorneys. Judge Joe Wilson yelled in open court, “That was an official court order; is everyone at the state attorney’s office just out to lunch or simply dumb? I don’t issue these court orders just to hear myself talk!” It is unusual, but not unheard of, for a judge to hold prosecutors in contempt, but Judge Wilson entered a contempt charge for the prosecutors assigned to this case and ordered each to spend forty-eight hours in jail with a $500 fine. Judge Wilson and Anne Marie Johnson were later seen having late night coffee at a local coffee shop by an intern who works in the prosecutor’s office. On the basis of the above scenario, answer the following:
Discuss the effects of judicial abuse of power and misconduct, as well as any remedies. Present an argument both for and against Judge Wilson for judicial disqualification or recusal from the case. Discuss whether there is any harm in Judge Wilson having coffee with Anne Marie Johnson. Discuss whether there is concern for the tone and language Judge Wilson used when speaking to state attorneys.Study the enterprise architecture for a moment and consider the implications of each of the functions represented: nursing coursework help
I’m studying for my Computer Science class and need an explanation.

Do presentation layers add an attack surface to the enterprise? How about an eCommerce presence? The supply chain will interact with an entire business ecosystem of many other organizations. Interactions will probably include both people and automated flows. Are these third parties to be trusted at the same level as the internal systems, such as content management or data analysis? Going a step further, are there threat agents whose goals include the business data of the organization? If so, does that make the business analysis function or the content management systems targets of possible interest? Why?PC 3.5. Do the Programming Challenge #5 on Page 212 Read all the instructions carefully.
I’m working on a Javascript question and need guidance to help me study.

Do the Programming Challenge #5 on Page 212

Read all the instructions carefully.

USE PC_3-4.html

You must modify the message in the alert at the end of the function calcNetPay to output something like:

“The employee worked 40 hours at a pay rate of $10 per hour. He has 4 dependents.

His gross pay is $….., tax rate is …..%, tax paid is $…….., net pay is $………”

Submit your solution in the file paychecks2.html

How to create Testimonial Carousel using Bootstrap5

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