MBA-Customer Success Management And SaaS. Writing An Interview Report For Event Attending.

I don’t understand this Management question and need help to study.

Writing an interview report for event attending about Customer Success Management.

This is the person that I am interviewed with during the event. He is one of the speakers in the event.

Finding his information at his Linkedin :

The company website:

The instruction attached.Big Data – Hive and Impala
I’m stuck on a Computer Science question and need an explanation.


Hive and Impala

1)Import table “webpage” via Sqoop

$ sqoop import

–connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/loudacre

–username training –password training

–table webpage

–target-dir /loudacre/webpage

–fields-terminated-by “t”

2)Validate the imported data in HDFS ( Please provide screenshot from Terminal and NOT HUE )

3)Create External Table via Hive session


(page_id SMALLINT,

name STRING,

assoc_files STRING)



LOCATION ‘/loudacre/webpage’

4)Open FireFox browser and run the below query from Hive

SELECT * FROM webpage WHERE name LIKE “ifruit%”

5)Open FireFox browser and run the below query from Impala

SELECT * FROM webpage WHERE name LIKE “ifruit%”Summarize the article and the main points presented. Why is prescription painkiller use such a problem?: nursing essay help
I’m working on a Psychology question and need guidance to help me study.

Read the following article about prescription painkiller use in the United States, then answer the following in a minimum of 350 words.

Summarize the article and the main points presented.

Why is prescription painkiller use such a problem?

How do people become addicted to painkillers?

Can prescription painkillers be taken safely, without a substance use disorder developing? If so, how?

NIDA. (2014). Prescription and over-the-counter-medications. Retrieved from…

Textbook-Straub, R. O. (2019). Health Psychology.Your PowerPoint should include the following types of slides, for a total of 7 or more slides: nursing coursework help
I don’t know how to handle this English question and need guidance.

hen you are creating your PowerPoint, keep these things in mind:
Make sure your content is well organized and flows logically. Use the Speaker Notes feature in PowerPoint to reduce the amount of text that appears on the slides. (The Speaker Notes will contain the text that guide what you would say while presenting the slides.) Add pictures to the PowerPoint to demonstrate your creativity and visual communication skills. Use proper grammar and spelling. Cite each definition with proper APA citation style.consciously observe and take note of any helping behavior you see around you.
I need support with this Powerpoint question so I can learn better.


This we week explored the idea of prosocial behavior and the impact it can have on ourselves and others. This week, for a full day, consciously observe and take note of any helping behavior you see around you. Try to also engage in helping behavior yourself. Let the person cut ahead of you in line in traffic, hold the door open for those reaching the entrance at the same time, make breakfast for your partner or kids if they normally do that, etc. Take notes throughout your experiment on the scenario, your behavior, and the response of others. Then, create a PowerPoint to describe your analysis of the results. Specifically, be sure to include:
A detailed description of at least three prosocial behaviors you engaged in and/or observed others exhibit. An analysis of the impact of your behaviors on you. How did you feel? What impact did the experiences have on your outlook for the day? Stress levels? Thoughts? Perceived levels of aggression? An analysis of the impact of helping behaviors on others. How did they feel? What impact did the experiences seem to have on their outlook for the day? Stress levels? Thoughts? Perceived levels of aggression? An analysis of at least two social psychology principles or theories discussed in class as they relate to your observations Make use of presentation best practices
Include visuals (images, video, graphs, etc.) that support your text Use the speaker’s notes to expand upon your bullet points or main ideas in the presentation. Cite any sources used on the slide itself with an in-text citation as well as in your full reference list on the reference slide.
Presentation Requirements (APA format)
Length: 10-15 slides (not including title, introduction, and references slides) Font should not be smaller than size 16-point Parenthetical in-text citations included and formatted in APA style References slide (a minimum of 2outside scholarly sources plus the textbook and/or the weekly lesson for each course outcome) Title and introduction slide required

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