PhD Help With Answer

I don’t understand this Computer Science question and need help to study.

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Tell us about yourself and your personal journey that has led you to University of the Cumberlands.

What are your research interests in the area of information technology? How did you become interested in this area of research?

What is your current job/career and how will this program impact your career growth?

What unique qualities do you think you have that will help you in being successful in this program?

How can obtaining a doctorate impact your contribution to the practices of information technology? Where do you see yourself after obtaining a doctorate from UClook at the rubric below: assignment help philadelphia
I need an explanation for this Psychology question to help me study.

Assignment: Research in Psychology

Psychology in the News

STEP 1: Find a popular news article from within the last 12 months that reports on the results of a psychological study related to life span and this course. This should not be a blog entry, but a published article from a news source such as Time Magazine, The New York Times, Newsweek, NPR, CNN, Fox News, etc. A great place to look is the APA’s Psychology news portal: (Links to an external site.). Read through the article and ensure that it is descriptive and sufficiently long enough in order to draw conclusions from the original research mentioned.

STEP 2: Go find the psychological study or studies that are mentioned in the news report. Sometimes those are not freely available online, so you may have to track down the original study through your library’s website. You can find these articles within reputable journals, such as the American Journal of Psychology (Links to an external site.), Cognitive Psychology (Links to an external site.), Emotion (Links to an external site.), Journal of Abnormal Psychology (Links to an external site.), Journal of Applied Psychology (Links to an external site.), Journal of Counseling Psychology (Links to an external site.), Journal of Educational Psychology (Links to an external site.), Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Links to an external site.), and Memory (Links to an external site.).

STEP 3: Write at least 4 paragraphs on the following:
describe and summarize the study examine if the news article accurately describes the research article you located state how this study relates to Life Span, how it may related to your life, and how it enhances your personal learning
Criteria Ratings Points
Finds appropriate research article and writes summary Finds a detailed and relevant peer-reviewed article on a psychological topic, and provides a coherent summary of the article. Does not provide enough detail in the summary or does not find an appropriate journal article Poor choice of research article, incomplete summary, or difficult to understand. __/5
Details its relevance to life span and personal life and personal learning Clearly ties topic to course and life and demonstrates critical thinking about personal application Does not make clear link to life span and does not demonstrate detailed critical thinking and personal application in appropriate to life span and no critical thinking _/5
Includes correct APA citations Provides accurate in-text citations AND a reference page for the articles used Does not fully provide accurate in-text citations AND a reference page for the articles used Does not provide accurate in-text citations AND a reference page for the articles used __/5
Total: __/15Discussion 2
Help me study for my Business class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.


Should a firm attempt to have fewer or more suppliers? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach? Your initial post should be 200-250 words.

Forecasting Methods

Read Problem 6 in Chapter 6 of your textbook. Calculate and answer parts a through d. Include all calculations and spreadsheets in your post. Explain why the moving average method was used instead of another forecasting method. What might be another forecasting method that could prove to be just as useful? Your initial post should be 200-250 words.

Process Selection: Product Design and Capacity

How is process selection related to product design and capacity determination? Your initial post should be 200-250 words.

Monique Food Processing Company and Capacity

Read Problem 6: The “Monique Food Processing Company” in Chapter 8 of your text.

Monique Food Processing Company produces light snacks that can be heated in a microwave. The following steps are included in the process:



Capacity (Units/Hour)


Prepare food



Measure and place in plastic pouch



Prepare cardboard box



Insert pouch into box



Shrink-wrap box

What is the system capacity, and which is the bottleneck department? How much slack (unused capacity) is available in other departments? How much system capacity can be gained by adding capacity to the bottleneck? What are the key factors that determine when to add capacity? Why would an organization want to reduce its capacity?

Make and include calculations. Answer questions “a” through “e.” Your response should be 200-250 words.Write a 7 pages paper
Need help with my History question – I’m studying for my class.

Possible topics for the History 3C Final paper

1. What were the most significant changes in Africa during the nineteenth century, and why did they occur?

2. During the nineteenth century, both Japan and China faced a combination of internal tensions and Western imperialism. How did these two countries respond to these challenges? Where did this leave both countries by the start of the twentieth century?

3. What were the global consequences of WWI? How did the settlement at the close of the war mark the start of a new era in international relations? What pre-war problems did this resolve and what new tensions did it create?

4. Thinking about political extremism during the interwar period, write an essay comparing either Italian fascism or German National Socialism with Stalinism. In what ways were these political regimes similar and where did they differ? How were they both seeking to address similar economic, social, and political issues.

5. Compare the struggle for independence in two countries following WWII. What were the factors that led to the push for independence? Were they both violent? If so, why? If not, why not?

6. Using two cases, explore the nature and character of genocide. In what contexts does it seem to emerge and why does it appear so difficult to prevent?

7. The Cold War dominated international politics during the second half of the twentieth century. What were the causes of the Cold War? Using two examples, describe how even though the US and the Soviet Union never went to war, the Cold War featured a host of violent conflicts often playing out in the Third World. Why did the Cold War make these conflicts so lethal?52 sociology questions: nursing homework help
I’m working on a Sociology exercise and need support.

1. According to the text’s discussion of the basic approaches to social research,

a. some approaches are more scientific than others.

b. experimentation is the only truly scientific approach to social research.

c. quantitative approaches are superior to qualitative approaches.

d. there are more than two dozen distinctive approaches.

e. each approach has its own strengths and weaknesses.

2. The ultimate goal of scientific inquiry is to produce knowledge in the form of

a. factual data.

b. theory.

c. technological advances.

d. new discoveries.

3. Which of the following sequences best describes the inductive logic of inquiry?

a. theory data hypothesis

b. data theory hypothesis

c. data empirical pattern theory

d. theory hypothesis data

e. empirical pattern hypothesis theory

4. Scientists apply the deductive logic of inquiry when they

a. show how a hypothesis follows from a theory.

b. infer empirical patterns from data.

c. formulate a theory to account for empirical patterns.

d. infer the validity of a theory from a set of data.

5. Which statement most accurately describes scientific knowledge or theory?

a. It is the best understanding that we have been able to produce thus far.

b. When perfected, it is a statement of what is ultimately real.

c. A theory is accepted as “scientific” when objective tests confirm its predictions.

d. Theory in a scientific discipline is essentially an inventory of the currently most accurate predictions.

6. According to current ethical standards, such as those of the APA and ASA, deception is disallowed under which of the

following conditions?

a. The study involves substantial risk of harm or distress.

b. There is no guarantee of obtaining statistically significant results.

c. Divulging the use of deception might offend participants.

d. The topic of the study involves illegal or dishonest behavior.

7. In studies in which research participants’ identities are known to the researcher, the principal way to protect their

privacy is to

a. ensure anonymity.

b. ensure confidentiality.

c. ensure informed consent.

d. back up the data.

8. A professor doing research on deviant behavior asks the students in her classes to fill out an anonymous self-report

questionnaire dealing with their use of alcohol and nonprescription drugs. In what way is this study ethically problematic?

a. Studies of immoral behavior are inherently unethical.

b. Anonymity may not be sufficient to protect privacy.

c. Authorities may find out the names of the drug users and report them to the police.

d. Participation is not voluntary.

9. Consider the following hypothesis: Members of the Congress who belong to the same political party as the president

are more likely to vote for legislation supported by the president than congressional members who belong to a different

party. The unit of analysis implied by this hypothesis is

a. Congress.

b. legislative vote.

c. the political party.

d. the individual member of Congress.

10. Suppose you hypothesize that among college students women consume alcoholic beverages less often than men.

The independent variable is

a. women students.

b. college students.

c. gender.

d. frequency of alcohol consumption.

11. A study of gender differences in the values of U.S. adolescents found that females were more likely than males to

express concern for the well-being of others. This difference was the same across all social class groupings. In this study,

the dependent variable is __________, and a control variable is __________.

a. gender; social class

b. concern for others; social class

c. concern for others; gender

d. social class; gender

12. If an empirical relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable is maintained when the effects

of all antecedent variables are controlled or held constant, the relationship is

a. spurious.

b. nonspurious.

c. positive.

d. negative.

13. In qualitative research, deciding what and whom to observe

a. is the first and foremost consideration in research design.

b. may occur after a researcher begins to gather data.

c. usually involves random selection.

d. depends on how broadly a researcher aims to generalize his or her results.

14. A researcher interested in measuring religiosity decides to ask respondents how often they pray and how often they

listen to religious programs on the radio. These questions represent the researcher’s attempt to

a. provide a conceptual definition of the concept.

b. refine the meaning of the concept.

c. specify empirical indicators.

d. assess the quality of the researcher’s operational definition.

15. A variable’s level of measurement indicates the

a. number of questions used to measure the variable.

b. number of variable categories.

c. kinds of comparisons that can be made between cases in different variable categories.

d. degree of correspondence between conceptual and operational definitions.

16. A survey question measuring frequency of exercise asks respondents, “On how many of the past 7 days did you

exercise or participate in sports activities?” The answer categories are 0, 1 – 3, 3 – 5, 5 or more. This set of categories is

a. exhaustive but not mutually exclusive.

b. mutually exclusive but not exhaustive.

c. both exhaustive and mutually exclusive.

d. neither exhaustive nor mutually exclusive.

17. If you measured age by calculating the difference between the year a respondent was interviewed and the year the

respondent was born, then your level of measurement would be __________; if you measured age by placing people in

one of four categories (18 and under, 19–39, 40–59, 60 and over), then your level of measurement would be __________.

a. ratio; ratio

b. ratio; interval

c. ratio; ordinal

d. ordinal; ordinal

18. Survey estimates of church attendance based on self-reports are very stable, as respondents tend to give consistent

answers. Observations of church attendance indicate, however, that it is about one-half the level reported in surveys. This

suggests that, as a measure of church attendance, self-reported attendance is

a. reliable but not valid.

b. valid but not reliable.

c. neither reliable nor valid.

d. both reliable and valid.

19. Measurement theory equation indicates that the observed score is a function of:

a. the measured score minus the validity

b. the true score, systematic error, and random error

c. the concept minus reliability

d. the true score, the concept and systematic error

20. Knowledge of the sampling distribution of a statistic enables researchers to

a. draw a smaller sample than ordinarily would be necessary.

b. estimate the probable margin of error of a sample statistic.

c. calculate the population value.

d. calculate the difference between a population value and a sample estimate.

21. The two main reasons for using stratified sampling are to __________ and to __________.

a. decrease the margin of error; increase the number of cases in particular subgroups

b. decrease sampling costs; decrease the margin of error

c. analyze the effects of the stratified variable; increase the number of cases in particular subgroups

d. decrease sampling costs; analyze the effects of the stratified variable

22. What are two of the most important considerations in determining an appropriate sample size?

a. size of the population; complexity of the sampling design

b. available resources; size of the population

c. available resources; desired precision

d. desired precision; size of the population

23. Which of the following is a source of coverage error?

a. an incomplete sampling frame

b. refusals to cooperate

c. unreturned questionnaires

d. random selection processes

24. If the researcher is unable to obtain a list of the population or members of the population cannot be identified easily,

then he or she must use a

a. very large sample.

b. representative sample.

c. probability sample.

d. nonprobability sample.

25. You need a sample of 25 students to interview for a study of attitudes toward intercollegiate athletics, and so you

interview the first 25 students to enter the campus center on a Monday morning. What kind of sample is this?

a. convenience sample

b. purposive sample

c. snowball sample

d. simple random sample

26. How does the manipulation of the independent variable in an experiment strengthen inferences about cause and effect?

a. It eliminates the effects of most extraneous variables.

b. It establishes the time order of the events (or variables).

c. It proves that a causal relationship exists.

d. It determines that the observed association is nonspurious.

27. Which of the following procedures is designed to satisfy participants’ suspicions about the purpose of an experiment?

a. pretesting

b. cover story

c. acquisition of informed consent

d. manipulation check

28. Experiments tend to be __________ in internal validity and __________ in external validity.

a. low; low

b. low; high

c. high; low

d. high; high

29. Which of the following procedures is intended to ensure or enhance a study’s internal validity?

a. replication

b. random assignment

c. random sampling

30. Which of the following is true of the experimental approach to social research?

a. It is used almost exclusively for explanatory, hypothesis-testing purposes.

b. It is the most common methodological approach in sociology.

c. It typically uses simple random sampling to select participants.

d. It affords less control over extraneous variables than other research approaches.

31. Which of the following is true of open-ended questions?

a. They work best in questionnaire surveys where respondents have more time to respond.

b. They are easier to analyze than closed-ended questions.

c. They can provide in-depth understanding.

d. They work best in structured interviews.

32. Suppose you hypothesize that the more sociology courses a student takes, the more sensitive he or she becomes to

the needs of others. You then ask a random sample of students at your college how many sociology courses they have

taken and also ask them a set of questions measuring social sensitivity. Finally, you calculate the association between the

two variables. This is an example of a

a. laboratory experiment.

b. cross-sectional survey.

c. longitudinal survey.

33. To determine how much racial prejudice declined in the last half of the 20th Century, a researcher examines answers

to the same questions asked in several different polls conducted from the 1940s through 1990s. This is an example of a

a. cross-sectional survey.

b. trend study.

c. panel study.

34. Sample quality tends to be lowest in a __________ survey, and response rates generally are highest in a

__________ survey.

a. face-to-face; telephone

b. face-to-face; mail

c. mail; face-to-face

d. mail; telephone

e. telephone; telephone

35. What is the major wording problem with the following question: “Do you approve of the irresponsible person who

would drive after having several drinks?”? (Box 8.2)

a. inappropriate vocabulary

b. leading question

c. lack of precision

d. double-barreled

36. What is the major wording problem with the following question: “How satisfied are you with the number and fairness

of the tests in this course?”? (Box 8.2)

a. inappropriate vocabulary

b. leading question

c. insensitive wording

d. lack of precision

e. double-barreled

37. What is a serious weakness that surveys share with experiments?

a. susceptibility to reactive measurement effects

b. use of convenience samples

c. limited number of variables that can be studied

d. frequent use of deception

38. Reflexivity in qualitative research refers to

a. the process of understanding others’ actions from their point of view.

b. sympathetic understanding based on a disavowal of one’s own beliefs.

c. a researcher’s reflection on how his or her personal characteristics influence the research process.

d. a researcher’s reflexive or spontaneous reactions to people and events.

39. The most important consideration in selecting a group or setting for field research is that

a. it should speak to the researcher’s theoretical or substantive interests.

b. the researcher should have no prior connection or experience with those in the setting.

c. it should be easily accessible.

d. it should allow for the ready development of rapport.

40. In which one of the following settings is a field researcher most likely to have to negotiate with one or more gatekeepers to gain access?

a. public restroom

b. subway train

c. laundromat

d. lobby of a country club

41. What are the two primary types of questions in in-depth interviews?

a. main questions and probes

b. background questions and topical questions

c. closed-ended questions and open-ended questions

d. prepared questions and spontaneous questions

42. By virtue of its strengths, qualitative research would work best for addressing which one of the following research questions?

a. Do feelings of guilt increase the likelihood that someone will help others?

b. Are men more likely than women to donate blood?

c. How do homeless people survive on the streets?

d. Does the incidence of domestic abuse increase during an economic recession?

43. Which way of summarizing textual data identifies types and dimensions of concepts?

a. taxonomy

b. data matrix

c. typology

d. flow chart

44. Consistent with the aims of grounded theory, theoretical sampling is used to

a. select research sites relevant to the theoretical aims of the research.

b. select cases that are likely to be theoretically rich.

c. select observations or interviewees that theoretically maximize variability.

d. select observations or interviewees to develop aspects of an emerging theory.

45. The object of narrative analysis is to

a. use observations and interviews to create a narrative of a group or event.

b. examine the structure and meaning of stories derived from interviews and other sources.

c. create a single story line from divergent accounts of the same event.

d. use reflexivity to create a chronologically accurate analysis.

46. Users of existing statistics are well advised to

a. let the availability of data dictate the research question or hypothesis to be addressed.

b. carefully attempt to reconstruct the process by which the data were originally assembled.

c. so far as possible, restrict themselves to official data sources where the accuracy and consistency of the data can be assumed.

d. search for the best single indicator rather than rely on multiple indicators of a concept.

47. The analysis of existing data generally is superior to other approaches for all but which one of the following research


a. studying the past

b. understanding social change

c. studying properties of social structure

d. studying individual attitudes and behavior

48. Which of the following is the best example of a nonreactive measure of interpersonal attraction (liking)?

a. the amount of eye contact a person maintains with another

b. how much someone says he or she likes another

c. friends’ estimates of how much someone likes another

d. how long someone says he or she has known another

49. Which of the following is not an example of triangulation?

a. using three different questions to measure the same concept

b. replicating an experiment with a different manipulation of the independent variable

c. asking the same question of a large sample of respondents

d. using both experimentation and the analysis of existing data to test the same hypothesis

e. using a team of investigators in field research

50. Which basic approach to social research produces the strongest inferences about causal relationships?

a. experimentation

b. survey research

c. qualitative research

d. analysis of existing data

51. Which basic approach to social research lends itself best to examining situations and experiences from the viewpoint

of the research participant or actor?

a. experimentation

b. survey research

c. qualitative research

d. analysis of existing data

52. Which of the following is TRUE:

a. Qualitative analysis is a linear process that starts with data collection, moves to data preparation and coding, and

ends with analysis and interpretation.

b. Analyzing data is a search for both qualitative and quantitative patterns

c. As with outliers in quantitative data analysis, exceptions to patterns in qualitative data are treated as errors that

can be ignored.

d. Content analysis is a purely quantitative strategy while coding applies only to qualitative analysis.

e. All of the above.

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