Discusson On The Sub Funds Of Data Systems

I’m stuck on a Computer Science question and need an explanation.

You’ve just completed a review in SQL Coding. SQL is one of the many pre-requisites tools in the development and design of Blockchain Technologies. When you think about it, Blockchain and Database technologies are very much similar in numerous ways. What are two ways you feel blockchain and database development are similar?

Note: This question is NOT asking you to discuss cryptocurrency. If you write about cryptocurrency, you are going in the wrong direction – period! We are looking to identify the design of blockchain in systems environments such as smart contracts, recording keeping management, securities management, and digital currency formulation. Any mention of cryptocurrency as the primary driver of development will be considered invalid here.

Spelling, citation, and grammar count towards your grade. Feedback to peer responses is also an integral part of your weekly participation)psychology – writing a discussion answerng the requirments with 200-220 words
I’m working on a Psychology question and need guidance to help me study.

Wednesday/ June 17

In this chapter 8 is about how we develop from the moment of conception to death. learned about physical development, cognitive development, psycho-social and emotional development, and moral development. For this discussion, you need to put all of that knowledge to use.

1.) Think of a person you know of any age, from infant to the elderly, to whom you have easy access and is willing to interact with you. Try to obtain as much information about that person in as many developmental domains as you can through observing them and interviewing them as appropriate.

2.) Then, without identifying the specific person, other than their age, briefly summarize their development. Comment on as many of the developmental theories as you can, i.e. what stage in Piaget’s theory are they? What stage of Erickson’s theory? What stage of Kohlberg’s theory, etc.

I will attach chapter 8 summary of concepts

please dont take anything from google

discussion should be between 200 to 220 wordsWrite a paper about- unexpected challenges of an organization – Bus continuity plan and Disaster recovery plan: nursing assignment help
I don’t understand this Computer Science question and need help to study.

Select a major organization that was located in the Hurricane Katrina disaster area. Research their experiences and prepare a report detailing the unexpected challenges the organization encountered in returning their operations to normal. Give suggestions on what might be added to the organization’s contingency plan to mitigate those unexpected challenges.

Assignment should follow all APA rules and include a min. of (1) citation/reference.

Reference: You can even search for resources online if you don’t find anything in this book.

Wallace, M., & Webber, L. (2018). The disaster recovery handbook: a step-by-step plan to ensure business continuity and protect vital operations, facilities, and assets. New York, NY: AMACOM. ISBN-13: 978-0814438763Answer 1 discussion question and write a 400 word essay: my nursing assignment help
I’m studying and need help with a Law question to help me learn.

1. Discussion Question 100 words

Stereotypes and Sexual Violence

Considering the information on rape myths from Box 10.1 on p. 337 in Andrew Karmen’s “Crime Victims: An Introduction to Victimology”, what are the root causes of sexual violence? Can they be considered purely sexual in nature if a man, who identifies himself as heterosexual, rapes another man while incarcerated?

Choose one of the six stereotypes provided in Box 10.1 and discuss both sides of the stereotype, explaining why the stereotype is so controversial (i.e. spousal rape – is consent implied by marriage, or can a spouse refuse sexual relations, thus creating a domestic violence situation? OR Is a female working in a male-dominated field such as the military or police force, expected to accept a certain amount of sexual harassment? etc.)

2. Assignment

Theodore Robert (Ted) Bundy

Review the case of Theodore Robert (Ted) Bundy, on pages 202-205 of Eric W. Hickey’s “Serial Murderers and their Victims” and write a 400 word essay discussing the case study.

Your essay should have an introduction summarizing the criminal and case, a body that discusses the issues surrounding the case (how were they able to avoid being caught for so long – personality of the offender, lack of evidence available, lack of technology, etc.), and what led to their arrest and prosecution, and a conclusion that discusses the outcome of their prosecution along with what changes could have been made along the way which might have led to an earlier arrest.

Use the Grantham Library or Google Scholar to find the case legislature or court documentation that discusses the prosecution outcome. Be sure to include this reference on your reference page.

Please follow APA guidelines; provide a title and reference page, use Times New Roman 12 point font, and double-space your lines. The reference for the book is:

Hickey, E. W. (2016). Serial murderers and their victims, (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

In Serial Murderers and their Victims:

Chapter 5

Chapter 10

In Crime Victims: An Introduction to Victimology

Chapter 10Procurement and Contracting
I’m studying for my Business class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

In a three- page paper (not counting the cover and reference pages that you must include), use your research skills and identify a real-life procurement and contracting example related to your Portfolio Topic. (WALMART)

Critically analyze how contract compliance, deviation, change, and tracking were implemented. What would you add to improve the contract example? List a minimum of three recommendations or areas for improvement.

Be sure to properly organize your writing and include an introduction, headings/subheadings for the body of your work, your analysis/suggestion, and a conclusion. In addition to your textbook, use at least two professional/scholarly sources to support your responses. Cite your

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