Psychology Discussion 5

I need support with this Psychology question so I can learn better.

0: Personality Traits and 31: personality Assessment
11 unread reply.11 reply.
Here are some personality tests that you can take for this Discussion board.

Take one of these (or all of them if you want to…) (Links to an external site.)

Now take this test and post your results on the board. (Just summarize not the whole report) (Links to an external site.)

This one is really interesting… You will learn more about it in the Next unit… (Links to an external site.)

There are a ton of vocabulary for this section – Focus on the Validity of the the tests..
Autobiographical reasoning
Big Five
Ego, ID and Super Ego
The Age 5-to-7 Shift
Collective efficacy
Ego depletion
Implicit motives (Associations test)
Self-enhancement bias
Personality traits
NOW watch this video about an Introvert (Links to an external site.) and this one about another introvert (Links to an external site.) – and this one of an extrovert (Links to an external site.). Full disclosure – I am an annoying extrovert if there ever was one..

How well do you think the tests define how you are?

How well do the videos explain what the tests show?Article Review
I need support with this Communications question so I can learn better.

read the article I provided in attachment and write a paragraph of summary (no more than 250 words) (just objective summary, not include personal judgement and opinion)


concise but detailed

includes all main points

main ideas not minor points

logical progression of ideas

frames in terms of author’s argument

no value judgements /opinions

correct info

no long quotes

free from repetition

Besides!, find 3 key concepts from the video(with definitions)

and find 3 quotes from the article (you can choose whatever you think is important)

Important!!!! the summary is separated with Concepts and Quotes! which means there is no concepts and quotes in summary

I ll show you an example in attachment

in the end , provide an essential question.

format: 250 words Summary + 3 Concepts +3 Quotes + 1 Essential QuestionResearch crime in Las Vegas, Nevada: assignment help philadelphia
I need help with a Law question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

In law enforcement crime data is used for many different purposes: distribution of law enforcement personnel and resources, funding of initiatives, and on a personal level, even when deciding where to live.

Please research either the instances of crime in your neighborhood (or any other neighborhood) or in your city (or any other city) and share your In law enforcement crime data is used for many different purposes: distribution of law enforcement personnel and resources, funding of initiatives, and on a personal level, even when deciding where to live.

Please research either the instances of crime in your neighborhood (or any other neighborhood) or in your city (or any other city) and share your research results regarding the amount and type of crimes listed. What did you learn about crime in these areas? Use research to substantiate your findings and cite your sources using APA formatting.

Crime Data Websites

NSOPW National Sex Offender Website

FBI: Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program

Bureau of Justice Statistics What did you learn about crime in these areas? Use research to substantiate your findings and cite your sources using APA formatting.

Crime Data Websites

NSOPW National Sex Offender Website

FBI: Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program

Bureau of Justice Statistics

Crime instances in Las Vegas, NevadaAccounting db6: nursing coursework help
I’m trying to study for my Accounting course and I need some help to understand this question.

Why is the identification of favorable and unfavorable variances so important to a company? How can the identification of the variances help management control costs? Please explain.

As you are considering the flexible budgeting topic of the week, it is important for you to look at this analysis as a significant contribution to the management of the company. Knowing what the bottom line profit or loss is important. But what is more important is to understand how your actual results varied in terms of units sold versus how the actual cost of each unit differed from the budget.

Please do watch the video available in this week’s resources – you can turn the sound off and read the script on the right side if you need to. The lecturer has an excellent example that will help you.

Do you have an example that you can share? Sometimes that’s the best way to answer the question.

Unit 6 Chapter 9 Presentation:

Unit 6 Presentation

Unit 6 Presentation NotesBusiness law db6
I’m studying for my Business Law class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

A MINIMUM of 1 original post — answering the question completely — and 2 quality student reply posts is expected. Discussion grades will be based upon BOTH the quality and quantity of posts. Simple statements like ‘good job’ or ” I agree’ without additional substantive discussion are NOT considered quality reply posts.

WARNING: Do NOT ‘copy and paste’ or ‘paraphrase’ excessively another student’s original answer. This is a form of plagiarism and will NOT be tolerated. You may refer to another student’s work in your student reply posts if proper credit is given to the original poster / student.

Who keeps the Engagement Ring?

The Facts:
Alex (“A”) proposes marriage to Barbara (“B”) B accepts A gives B an engagement ring After 6 months A and B get tired of each other The engagement is broken off
Question:Who keeps the ring?
Post your answer and explanation. Use principles you have learned in my Lecture and Text. This is not based on your opinion alone; your conclusion MUST have a basis in the Law, therefore: YOU MUST refer to the Law and legal principles (say which one(s) and where you found them PRECISELY (“in the Textbook” is not good enough) Comment on a classmate postings. AGAIN – make reference to the legal principles you have learned in my Lectures, the Text and/or web based resources. YOU MUST SUPPORT YOUR ANSWER BY REFERRING TO ANY OF THESE RESOURCES; AN UNSUPPORTED ANSWER = AN AUTOMATIC “F”. Note: I am not looking for the correct answer (this is NOT Law School)… I just want a coherent answer. Do your best, make an honest effort.

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