Psyc406 Forum Response

Can you help me understand this Psychology question?

For this week’s forum assignment, respond to the following: As two classes of substances that are prone to abuse and dependence, distinguish between the effects that depressants and stimulants have on the body and mind. Discuss the complications that can arise when a substance use disorder is a comorbid (or co-occurring) condition for individuals experiencing another mental disorder. Give an example where substance abuse could be negatively reinforced by the presence of other symptoms of psychopathology.

Remember that all posts are graded for substance and thoughtful consideration of the forum topic. Your post must also end with a “Question to the Class” – something related to the topic that you found thought-provoking and about which you’d like to know more and have further dialog.

General Instructions Applicable to All Forums

One “Initial Post” in response to your instructor’s instructions (located on the Forum in your online classroom) is due by Wednesday by 11:55 p.m., ET. This post must be a minimum of 300 words in length. At least three (3) replies to a classmate’s post of your choice is due no later than Sunday by 11:55p.m. Reply posts must be a minimum of 200 words. Point assignment is based on these requirements and the Discussion Forum rubric below.

Because scholarly discussion and related student interaction within a learning community are such essential aspects of online learning, participation is graded and required.

Forum post source citation is not required for forum posting in our class. This is because we are engaging in conversation that happens to be in writing form, not composing essays or research papers. You will, however, need to paraphrase (restate in your own words) any words of published authors in parts of your posts that are based on their work. Copying of published material, which is plagiarism, is prohibited and any instances of it, including forum posts, will result in a zero score without an option for re-submission to recoup lost points and a report sent to the Registrar’s Office per University policy.

Discussion forum posts will be graded on verbal expression, critical thinking, making an effort to not just participate in but contribute to the dialog with initial and reply posts of a substantive nature commensurate with graduate level studies. Posts must have correct grammatical construction, spelling, and punctuation with no texting or other casual style w prep work for video discusion: nursing assignment help
Help me study for my Psychology class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

Please see attached document for more information.

Describe your definition of death, including biomedical, legal, and ethical perspectives. Discuss how your personal experiences and developmental influences have informed your definition and attitude toward death and bereavement Describe how people in at least one culture different from your own define death and experience bereavement. Include a list of Learning Resources used to prepare your video (the text and 1–2 selected articles).Art project
I’m studying and need help with a Art & Design question to help me learn.

Create an expressive self portrait. Use marks, shapes, value and colors especially to enhance the mood of your work in any medium you choose, can be crayons, pastels, paint. It doesn’t have to be realistic. Remember lines, shapes, color and value can really influence the mood of the work. Artists to look at: Alice Neel, Lucian freud, abstract expressionists, Modigliani, Picasso, Egon Shiele. Let us know your mood or insight to your character by just looking at the work, not any written words. Post to this discussion and respond to 2 others (see if you can guess the mood they are trying to evoke) by the end of day.

Again, have fun with it!!film topic research project proposal 1500 words -2000 words
I need support with this Film question so I can learn better.

Choose a film topic that is not directly related to class materials and that pertains to a period since

1950.. The topic does not have to be “significant” (award-winning, famous), but needs to be a rich

opportunity to explore a film movement, political situation, technology, aesthetic, or other key aspect

of history. You can focus on one film or one filmmaker (director, producer, writer, editor,

cinematographer, etc.), or you can look more broadly at a film movement, technology, etc. “Film”

here is defined in its broadest sense of moving image usually accompanied by sound, so you can

research videogames, online videos, television, VR, etc. If you are interested in a topic but unsure if it

“fits,” please ask. There are several suggested topics in the Research Project folder on Brightspace if

you have trouble thinking of a topic. Another possibility is browsing the DVD shelf in the Killam library;

it’s on the ground floor in the room marked “Music Collection.”

If you’re having trouble deciding what kind of direction you might take with your project – and

especially what kind of focus or argument you might make – David Bordwell’s “Doing Film History”

has a good overview of approaches. This article is a recommended reading for Week 1 of this course.

This article also includes some broad questions (e.g., “How have the conditions of the film industry—

production, distribution, and exhibition—affected the uses of the medium?”) that you might adapt to

more specific case studies. You can also think reflectively about the approaches and questions we use

in class lectures and discussions, and the approaches in the assigned readings.

Your proposal of 1500-2000 words must a) state your aims (why do you want to do this project? what

do you hope to learn?), b) state your research question(s) and/or provisional thesis, and c) include an

annotated bibliography. The annotated bibliography must have a minimum of 4 sources and include

both scholarly and non-scholarly sources in addition to the primary text(s) you are studying; for

example, if you are writing about the historical significance of The Godfather, you need at least one

non-scholarly source in addition to the film itself.

The annotation must include

a) a brief summary of the content of the source,

b) an evaluation of the source itself (its aims and effectiveness), and

c) an evaluation of how the source will be useful to your project.

The last is perhaps the most important.

Although the annotation style follows MLA conventions, you can format bibliographic citations in any

style you choose (APA, MLA, etc.); just be consistent. Your proposal will be graded on the care with

which you have found and evaluated sources and on the development of the research question/thesis

(though it is understood that this may change as you work more on the project). See this page for

examples of annotated bibliographic entries:

The first is the MLA-style annotation required for this course (although your annotations can be

shorter than those in the example).Conservation: nursing case study help
I don’t understand this Geography question and need help to study.

Answer the following questions . Make sure to have complete answers, paragraphs.

1. What are environmental hazards and how do different cultures see these risks differently? What are the positive and negative effects of these different views?

2. How have politics and economics had a negative effect on the environment? What does this say about the relationship between nature and society? Is there anything that can be done to make the effect more positive? Explain your thoughts and views on the subject.

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