Analyze The Survey Result For Method And Discussion Section

I’m studying for my Psychology class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Please finish up the paper in method and discussion section only

Research Question: Do generational differences influence the visual perception of the standard of professionalism?

Hypothesis: College students, including millennials and generation z, have standards of professionalism that are less traditional and more inclusive of varying physical attributes whereas boomers and generation x tend to have more conservative views of what is considered professional.

Randomize order of picture appearance, make sure first picture is different for each participant, record who gets which pic first Make as quick of a judgement as possible (about 5 sec) Use Semantic Differential Scale(Likert Scale): have participants evaluate their perception of professionalism on a scale from Not Professional to Professional (5 point scale) Each picture has 4 questions
Target Questions:
This person is Unreliable This person is Competent
Please check out the files very carefully, every details for result and discussion are in those documents.Litterature Discussion: Reading (Realistic) Fiction: The Modern Short Story by Eaton: online nursing assignment help
I’m studying and need help with a English question to help me learn.

The readings for this week feature the genre of fiction by Asian-American immigrant author Sui Sin Far, a.k.a. Edith Maud Eaton (“In The Land of the Free”; 1909, 1912) (posted below)

All three stories represent early multicultural American literature written in the mode of Realism (and Regionalism/Local Color fiction): LIT 273 Realism Notes.pdf (Posted below)

The discussion forum is open-ended, so you may determine your topics and approaches, as long as you discuss at least two of the stories and cover relevant literary devices/techniques of fiction in one of the texts/posts. You may focus one post on each (single) text or compare/contrast two or more texts based on a specific point of comparison. Potential topics for discussion are provided in the Discussion #2 study guide. (posted below) You may also wish to consult the relevant handouts as needed.

Once in the forum, be sure to label your posts and replies clearly in the subject line, so others can follow and respond to your ideas with ease (e.g. “Hurston: Imagery” or “Alvarez, Major Themes” and so on).English Homework
I don’t understand this English question and need help to study.

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Please click HERE to run your paper through Turnitin to check for grammar and plagiarism errors prior to submitting for a grade. Keep in mind that any work submitted to the Check Your Work folder WILL NOT be graded or even seen by your teacher. This folder is used solely as a place for you to check your drafts and get feedback before it’s graded. To access the feedback, go to Assessments, Assignments, and click on View Feedback.

Select ONE of the following prompts. Be sure to follow the directions.

Prompt 1: Short Story

Create a short story using all you have learned so far in the unit. Include archetypes, literary elements, figurative language, and academic vocabulary words you learned in the course to shape your story. What is the setting, plot, characters, etc. How will you use figurative language such as metaphor and alliteration? What type of characters will you include? Ensure that you also demonstrate a clear point-of-view such as omniscient, limited omniscient, third-person, narrative, or first person, within your story.

Your short story should include a title, and be a minimum of 1 page and a maximum of 5 pages in length. Please submit a typed paper, using Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, and double-spaced lines (Please space your lines).

Prompt 2: Literary Service Announcement (LSA) Assignment

You have had a relationship with archetypes since a young age—Carl Jung might argue this is true since your conception. In fact, many children’s cartoons use archetypes as part of their humor (think of Tweedy Bird and Sylvester, Tom and Jerry, or The Simpsons). Throughout this unit, you have identified common archetypes across ancient and modern texts and visuals.
Choose the ONE archetype you most relate to, recognize, and/or like.
Create a public service announcement that educates your audience on the role of the archetype as well as persuades them that your archetype is one of the greatest—most common, most powerful, most dynamic (changes the most), most unique, etc.
The guidelines for the LSA are below. I look forward to your LSA! Be as creative as you want!


In your LSA you should…
inform the reader of the common uses of the archetype.
give examples. include content that is developed and shows mature thought. ensure ideas are organized strategically. ensure grammar and spelling are polished.
ensure word choice is purposeful. ensure rhetoric is used effectively. ensure presentation is geared towards audience. ensure excellent use of creativity in some form to sell your archetype. use creative elements (examples include images, music, modern day connections, performance).
Pay attention to Length
Videos must be 30 seconds long. Can go up to 1:00. No longer than 1:00. Include words/captions. Power points must be 8-10 slides (not including the title and reference slides)–with main points bulletted on each slide, and 25-50 words per slide.

Please click HERE to run your paper through Turnitin to check for grammar and plagiarism errors prior to submitting for a grade. Keep in mind that any work submitted to the Check Your Work folder WILL NOT be graded or even seen by your teacher. This folder is used solely as a place for you to check your drafts and get feedback before it’s graded. To access the feedback, go to Assessments, Assignments, and click on View Feedback.

Legends Essay

When you make a claim in an essay, you express an idea or opinion about information in a text. But an effective essay does more than state ideas and opinions. To persuade your readers to accept your point of view, you’ll need to support your claim with evidence, including facts, details, examples, or logical reasons. Complete the attached worksheet from lesson 4 to practice using textual evidence. You may use the ideas from the worksheet for your essay. Submitting the worksheet is optionaland will not count against your grade; but will help you with understanding how to use textual evidence.

Please read the question to be answered carefully–this assignment is not asking you to write about The Legend of King Arthur. The prompt for the essay is below:

The legend of King Arthur is well-known in literature. Based on Unsolved Mysteries of History, there is little to suggest it is true. Do you think it is important for people to believe in legends likeKing Arthur even if there is little evidence to support them? Why or why not? Write a short (3 paragraphs) explanatory essay stating your opinion. Justify your opinion and conclusions with relevant textual evidence (quotes or paraphrased ideas from sources) and background knowledge. Remember to use relevant vocabulary from the text in your essay.


Legends Textual Evidence Worksheet.docx (19.86 KB)
Legends Textual Evidence Worksheet.pdf (102.83 KB)I want essay about art using the information attached PDF.
I need support with this Art & Design question so I can learn better.

Exploration of Two Culture’s Art
Required Reading

Prebles’ Artforms Chapters 18, 19 and 20

Total points for lesson 6 = 30 points

Written Paper: Comparison of the art of two non-western cultures (20 points)

Length of the paper is 1.5 to 2 pages, double-spaced with font size 11 – 12 point. Be sure to edit, proof-read and correct spelling errors. Organize the content of your paper so it is easy to read. Save as a file and upload onto Blackboard.

In this paper, you compare and contrast the artwork of two non-western cultures from chapter 17, 18, and 19. Read the chapters carefully and select two of the cultures that you would like to compare and contrast in your analysis.

1. Use the visual elements and design principles in your analysis of the artwork. Also include your personal response to the art and share why you chose the two cultures.

2. Include at least one example from each culture from the textbook in your paper and be sure to include the figure number, page number, artist’s name, and title of the work.

3. You may use additional sources if you wish and include them in a listing of your sources at the end of your paper.

4. Select two cultures from the textbook:
India Southeast Asia China Japan The Islamic World Africa Oceania and Australia Pre-Columbian, Central and South America
Journal entry 4: Current non-western artist (10 points)

Length of the summary is 100 – 200 words, double-spaced, font size 11 – 12 point. Be sure to edit, proof-read and correct spelling errors.

Use as your sources for this research current magazines, journals, and the Internet to find one current non-western artist. The artist should be working in our own modern era – within the last 25 years.

1. A few suggested art magazines and journals that also have an Internet presence: Art Forum, Artist’s Magazine, Art in America, ARTnews, Smithsonian Art, Southwest Art.

2. Read the material that tells about the artist and their work and look closely at the artwork.

3. Write a summary in which you describe the artist and their work.

4. Your summary should include the source, material from the source, a photograph that is representative of the artist’s work, and your written summary for the non-western artist you have chosen.

5. Include an Internet link to the artist’s website if available.

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