Only Self-Confidence Can Affect My Daily Life

America is often said to be the land of opportunity. Over a million people immigrate here each year and I am one of them who came from Vietnam 5 years ago. What should I do in dealing with changes in my new life? My wife often tells me on Sunday, ‘Let’s go to church, God will bless our family,’ but I do not think it becomes true. Beliefs have a great impact on today’s society. Everyone believes in God, karma, or other religions, but I cannot because my mind does not fathom them.
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‘I can do it’ must be my core belief that helps me overcome these challenges. In my opinion, people have the power to make positive changes happen by “affirmation themselves.” This belief could have a major effect on my daily life and my work, and my study. Be friendly, having positive thoughts and words, and a positive attitude are three matters of my “I can do it” belief.

In my observation, Americans seem to be more friendly to strangers; they always say hello to anyone that they do not know. In the first time I came to US bank, a bank teller said, “How are you doing?” I didn’t think I knew her, so I was surprised. I realized that being friendly to everyone is also a way to be friendly with myself. It will make people feel better about themselves. Instead of arguing with my leader when I got a mistake in my work because I ruined the gear of my machine due to not being careful, I tried to calm down and explain what caused my problem.
It did not only help calm him down, but it also helped me resolve the problem quickly. Whenever I am friendly to others, I feel good about myself and more confident. I believe being friendly is a sign of inner strength and balance; it could instantly maintain, enhance my happiness. Being friendly to everyone will build an important relationship.
When waking up, I always remind me to say “Thank God for giving me another day to love.” Thinking about happy thoughts helps me to increase my happiness, no matter whatever will be, and change the way I perceive the entirety of world. Thinking positively could help someone to become better every day. In the moments of boredom, the feeling of the world seems to be collapsing, the best thing is to think more positively. Sometimes, a small change in thinking could also make a bad day brighter. Sometimes, I complain about myself, “I am not good at learning English because I am old.” This cannot help me better. I need to change my words as well as my thought; it is better if saying “I am old, but I have a lot of experience in learning English as second language.” Are you really happy with the present moment and welcome tomorrow? Thinking about this is a way of expressing your love for yourself. Optimistic in my thoughts as well as words helps me avoid troubles and eliminate the ones I do not expect in my life.
Have you ever wanted to give up your american dream because you cannot overcome the fear in dealing with changes? If so, you didn’t believe in yourself. You need to change your attitude. Honestly, I used to plan to come back my country since I could not face the challenges and difficulties in my first job in the US for medical manufacture. My task was to get a card including a medical suture and needle on the running conveyor belt, put it into a foil pouch, and sealing the pouch. It seemed very easy, but I had to package 600 pieces per an hour. My group did not meet the quantity requirement because I was very slow. Colleagues blamed me on not meeting the group’s plan. I immediately wanted to give up and return my hometown, but my ‘can do it’ belief has awakened me. I told myself, ‘Do not stop trying if you fail.’ I said aloud what positive things I felt about it and what positive attitude I had to improve. I knew it was not easy, but this was a wise step to get.” Now, I can package and seal 1000 products per hour; my wage significantly raised Never say “I cannot,” and always say “I can do it because of my positive attitude. A positive attitude will definitely bring more positive opportunities into my life.
My belief helps me open doors that I didn’t even know existed. Friendliness, positive thinking, and having a nice attitude are very essential; just be nice, think nice and change nice always make your life better. Things do not change, but your life will change if your view changes. It’s not easy to change your attitude becoming positive, you need to do step by step. if you believe in yourself and continue to maintain your attitude for what you want, people will believe you after seeing your success. My philosophy of life has been helping to overcome the challenges of my new life.

Mabel Lee


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