Where Do I Go From Here?

A bucket list is a set of goals a person would very much like to achieve in their time of being alive. I see this Reflection Paper as a bucket list. It tackles my goals and aspirations in life and how I plan to reach those dreams in my future. I am also well-aware that I have to set my expectations for myself realistically. I have one rule for this paper: I can write about how great my dreams are but they have to be realistically achievable.
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“ Where Do I Go From Here? ”
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Before the Grade 10 Completion Ceremony, I was told to set just one goal at a time as to not overwhelm myself; that goal was to study in Canberra for my university. Does that still stand? Yes, it does. Why Canberra? My uncle lives there as of the moment and is enjoying life with his husband. I would either want to take BS Psychology in the Australian National University (ANU) or AB in Applied Fashion in Canberra University (UC).

A few starter jobs I would like to take are either being a drive thru operator, a guidance counselor or a small designer for a big company. Looking at my preferred college courses, BS Psychology is the most versatile degree I could possibly get. My grandfather said that a degree in Psychology could give a lot of choices and variations of jobs and that I will not just be stuck in one field of work. If I still feel motivated after college and I do decide to take my masters and my doctorate degree in clinical psychology, I could genuinely use my Ph.
D. to help address and treat mental health concerns and issues in the society. I am not going to lie, being called Dr. Manuel or Dr. Dylan would sound really cool. Imagine being a fashion designer and your title is “doctor.”
The best career I believe I can have is to just work for myself. I could be a travel vlogger or I can start my own company that could promote mental health and environmental awareness through fashion. I will definitely start small but who knows, maybe I could start the next big fashion trends.
Now, where would I live in this future? Over a decade from now, I would very much like to see myself living happily in Australia. I have to live my first five years in my assigned territory, in this case, Canberra to become an Australian citizen. I really plan to help get my mom and my younger sister visas for them to live there with us too. Canberra is a quiet, peaceful, harmonious and “one with nature” type of area but I do not have to necessarily live in Canberra after those five years; I can now move to possibly Melbourne, Perth or Tasmania (my personal choices if I were to move). It’s ten or fifteen years from now; that’s quite a long way to go before I finally decide what is right for me.
While I am studying abroad, I would definitely want to love a girl who had a face straight out a magazine; God only knows that I would never leave her (The 1975, 2013) and hopefully, she would not leave me too and love me back for who I am. Besides my family, I would want to love someone and go out and about on crazy adventures with her; maybe travel the world together and definitely just enjoy life as we get older. I will not get married yet until she and I are in the stage wherein we both feel ready to make a lifetime commitment.
My end goal is to travel the world in mostly the safer countries before I reach 30. I was born too young to explore the universe but by visiting different historical sites, by understanding cultures and by experiencing the views of beautiful sites and landscapes of the world (assuming climate change has not burnt Earth to a crisp by then) would make me extremely happy. I, then, would be contented with that achievement and could possibly be ready to settle down.
So, where do I go from here, in this specific point in time? I need to keep my grades up or at the same rate. I believe that I got off to a great start with my grades this school year because it is already my highest average (87.38, which is rare for me) in high school! I cannot commit to a serious relationship right now because it might end bittersweet and I do not want to hurt anyone’s feelings, like in the films, “Hello, Love, Goodbye” (2019) and “Alone Together” (2019), and I really need to focus with my studies. Since our Grade 11 grades will be looked at by universities, I need to do my best to get in the best university as possible.
It is a butterfly effect. Let’s say that I did do great in Grade 11, then I could get in back-up colleges. If I pass the minimum IELTS score to get in BS Psych at ANU, then that would be better. I can apply for a scholarship grant and save from my savings. I have to be very respectful, kind and hardworking with great time management to get through college. Now, let’s add the traits I mentioned to courting a girl – I would like to believe that she will come at the right time and right moment for me and for her. I also need to either give myself or find a stable career for me to put my passions in for the long run. If I have enough savings, I could travel the world, with hopefully my future girlfriend.
Graduating from Junior High School or from any level or course alone is an amazing milestone. What more if I could actually and genuinely cross off items on my bucket list and say that I achieved my dreams?

Eva Mccormick


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