The Three Basic Quotes That Help Me Live a Better Life

After reading the article that Benjamin Franklin quoted Poor Richard Almanac. These are some quotes that are part of our language, still seen by parents and grandparents to our young generation. “Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise”; “Lost time is never found again”; “No gain, without pain”. I think these three are pretty basic to follow to be successful as we grow up.
The first quote I’m going to talk about that my father always drill into my head was “No gain, without pain”.
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My father used this saying to say that it is necessary to suffer or work hard in order to succeed or make progress. We have to make sacrifices in life to get to where or what we want in life. Nothing will be giving to us just because we want it. There’s going to be some hurt in life to gain what we want. And I learned that at the end the pain and sacrifices we make.

It makes those accomplishments feel that much better. That great feeling that you worked hard for what god has finally let you receive is an awesome feeling. God puts hurdles in our path because he wants us to work hard for what he gives us. Nothing is greater to know that God said now you can have it and this is the right time for it.
The second quote I heard over and over while growing up from my grandparents was “Lost time is never found again”.
This means to me that do not waste time as time wasted cannot be regained or failure to finish a particular assignment or goal while you had the time will not present itself again. I tilt this day regret not passing my Economics class in high school my senior year. I failed that class and it stopped me from playing for a state title in baseball. Something I worked hard to get to and I took it away for myself. And now I’m 32 years old and I wish I could go back in time to do what I had to do to pass that class and have that experience. Now I have to live with that regret for the rest of my life because I didn’t sacrifice something to get to what the ultimate goal was at that time and now that time is gone and cannot get back.
My last quote that I will be talking about I’m still learning even til this day. “Early to bed, and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” It means that someone who gets enough sleep and starts work early in the day will have a successful life. Waking up early to start your day gives you more time to accomplish what needs to be done. And it might give a heads start for the next day. If we woke up when we wanted and slept in everyday then what could we actually accomplish. That’s why we have deadlines. We have to get stuff done as soon as we can so we can move on to the next thing in life. We have to sacrifice that sleep so that we can wake up and not let that lost time pass by us. We can’t make money while we sleep. We can’t wake up on time if we are sleeping late. Getting enough rest keeps us somewhat healthy. We need sleep to stay focus on what we want to get done the next day. Not having enough sleep we can’t learn.
Been raised by these three basic quotes will help us get on the right track. Following these quotes from our elders can help any young generations. So hopefully we can give this wisdom to our kids so that they follow into the right path to success. Nothing is better than to see our kids do the right thing and get the good that awaits in their future. This concludes my essay and hopefully this inspires anyone who reads it.
References benjamin-franklin/18247,+and+ early+to+rise,+makes+a+man+healthy,+wealthy,+and+wise&spf=1496622895893, +without+pain&spf=1496625415074

Beatrice Fletcher


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