When the World’s Problems Are Solved Is Optimism Still Necessary

As a high school student, I think being positive and respectful should be an everyday thing, everyone you see every day will not give you the same energy back but you should always remain happy, negative people should not affect you. Every time i’m walking through the neighborhood market I speak to anyone I see, if someone doesn’t speak back it doesn’t bother me, I continue smiling. Anything you do is your own choice, my opinion is live life how you want so if you choose to be negative that’s fine, if you choose to be positive that’s great.
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Optimism is necessary it has always been necessary if you’re not optimistic then you will always be miserable, being positive is good for the mind and body being negative is not 48% of people are more than likely to die from severe stress or depression. If you’re an optimist you will see opportunity in every difficulty.

Expecting the best is always a good thing cause most of the time you will get a better outcome. Optimism is a choice, Pessimism is a choice make sure you choose the right path to walk through life is a long journey don’t spend the rest of it bringing other people down.
A pessimist is the opposite of an optimist, if it was a movie the optimist would be the hero and the pessimist would be the villain. Would you rather be a hero or a villain that’s the question you should ask yourself every day, every day you wake up imagine yourself in a movie and think of the previous question? The heroes always win at the end of the movie, the villain dies or gets locked away so why would anyone choose to be a villain.
A lot of people get happy when they watch the hero beat up the villain, so if you walk around happy and cheerful it will uplift a lot of others to also be happy. What you do in life will always be your choice as I said before.
If you’re in school I think you should be optimistic all the time because it will motivate you to get stuff done. If you’re pessimistic in school you will find yourself moping around and complaining all the time so it won’t be easy to a lot of stuff done because you will be too busy complaining and it will probably drive your teacher crazy which will cause her to yell at the other students and then their day will also be gloomy, being pessimistic can affect a lot of other so when you’re being negative don’t just think about yourself think of others too. If you’re motivated it will most likely make your teacher proud and will make him or her push others to be motivated just like you then you will have a successful class. In school I, as myself am not always optimistic yes, you will have your bad days sometimes but I am pretty sure you will get through it also. Being happy and positive is very healthy, being sad, miserable, and negative is not healthy. I am trying not to demand you to change your ways but please be optimistic 90% of the time, why would anyone ever choose to be negative it just doesn’t make sense to me at all.
Optimism is very necessary for society today but it is also a choice everything you do is a choice, being a hero or villain is a choice, being pessimistic is a choice so make the RIGHT CHOICE!
Optimism is the key to success it gives you confidence a lot of it. If you ever get a job Optimism is the main priority who wants a negative person working for them. Being optimistic can not also help you overcome your problems but it can also help a lot of others. Be the peace in the world becoming optimistic can change a lot of things.

Penny Silva


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