Private Investigations

A Private Investigator has many options to choose from when looking for a specific area to specialize in. From civil matters and gathering information for individuals to use in court to terrorism and intelligence investigations, where you are gathering information for matters of National security.
The first and type of investigation that I would be most interested in is Insurance fraud investigations. You work to uncover those who have made false claims to get insurance money. There is also workers’ compensation investigations which are started to uncover employees who have attempted to falsely claim compensation for injuries that do not exist.
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These investigations can be challenging for a few different reasons.
A disadvantage is that criminals can be skilled in this type of investigation and try to make it difficult for the investigator and conceal their crimes. This is why investigators need to make sure that the case information is legal and useful. They need to prove that fraud was intended.

When investigating these types of cases as an investigator you are protecting yourself, business and family by stopping people from taking advantage of insurance companies and insurance companies taking advantage of you. As an investigator you are helping to keep rates low and lessen the possibility of the person committing fraud again.
The second type that I would be interested in is the private security businesses. This is where people/companies hire private security to protect people and property from criminal activities such as vandalism, theft and fire. Job duties typically include monitoring a specific area for the day and reporting on any incidents that may take place.
Private security guards look for anyone or anything suspicious in their area of responsibility by monitoring video cameras, scanning crowds, inspecting property and supervising activities. Some people hire private security guards to escort them safely to various places. They may also drive shielded vehicles containing valuable items. They may carry weapons and detain individuals until law enforcement arrive.
Working in private security can have advantages like you can take security classes instead of the rigorous training that officers need. You work alongside law enforcement and provide assistance. You also are not under the same rules and regulations that officers are.
A disadvantage of this type of work is the pay. Pay for private security is usually less than that of law enforcement agencies. Also may times people can easily and clearly distinguish an officer, private security isn’t as easily identified and this can leave you open for harm.
Another area that I feel I would be interested is terrorism and intelligence investigations. As an investigator in this field you are responsible for coordinating and conducting investigations into terrorist activities and other threats foreign and domestic. Advantages for this type of investigations is you can travel the world in support of protective operations for many major political and economic summits and sporting events, as well as supporting protective details for high-level visiting dignitaries.
Along with the level of terrorism and intelligence investigations and they high security of protective operations a disadvantage of this is becoming a target yourself. Also with the type of travel and amount of work you do takes away from your personal life.
Criminal Investigation is an area that interests me some. A criminal investigation seeks, collects, and gathers evidence of a crime for a case or specific purpose.
A criminal investigator looks for clues and evidence to determine whether a crime has taken place. They investigate criminal violations of Federal, state, or local laws to determine if evidence is sufficient to prosecute. Some different types of criminal investigations are, crime scene, sexual crimes, theft, kidnapping, assault, etc..
Being a criminal investigator has advantages, for many you are out in the field working and interviewing people. Also, education and experience can vary making it easier to get into this type of investigation
The demand for this type of investigations is growing slowly, and along with other types of investigations this is a demanding job with long hours.
Next interest is civil investigation uncovers and assembles evidence necessary for a civil trial. A civil trial is where two people/parties go to court and a usually represent themselves and after a judge hears both sides determines an outcome. Civil investigators are used for gathering evidence essential to this type of trial. Some different types of civil investigations include: Personal injury where its looked into how an injury occurred and how to determine potential compensation. Marital investigations for marital disputes, anything from domestic abuse to a cheating spouse.
Advantages of this type of investigation is that you help your clients get civil justice. This is also a way to get more involved with your community and build relationships with clients on a professional level. Disadvantages are that detectives may be at risk for personal injuries and might experience confrontations with hostile individuals.
The last and sixth type of investigation that I would be interested in is special victims investigations where you are typically assigned to a specific department within law enforcement agencies. They might investigate cases involving sexual assault, domestic abuse, or crimes against children or the elderly.
An advantage of this type of investigation is helping families, protecting children and elderly which can be very rewarding and satisfying. Disadvantage of this type of investigation is it can be mentally, emotionally, and physically demanding.

Joe Richards


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