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Home » Qnt 561 One Sample Hypothesis Testing Cases 1

Qnt 561 One Sample Hypothesis Testing Cases 1

    Question Description
    The purpose of this assignment is to develop my abilities to combine the knowledge of descriptive statistics covered in Weeks 1 and 2 and one-sample hypothesis testing to make managerial decisions. I should learn how statistical analysis are used in predicting an election winner in the first case study. In the second case, I am to conduct a hypothesis test and decide whether or not a shipping plan will be profitable.

    Develop a 700 to 1050 well written word flow statistical analysis based on the Case Study Scenarios and SpeedX Payment Times. In addition, word flow and calculations need to be WITHOUT ANY PLAGIARISM other than unavoidable assignment information.
    PLEASE – NO cutting and pasting because it causes an inability to format, document properly.
    The report must include calculations and the use of information requested in the assignment.
    Include References from Chapters 10 & 11 which are attached.
    All information needed to complete this assignment are attached.

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