10 Easy Tips for Getting Kids to Clean Their Room

A clean home is a happy home – but we all know the moaning and groaning that comes along with asking the kids to do chores. Here are some tips to help you get your kids involved and make cleaning the house more fun!

Role Play

Kids love to use their imagination and play pretend, so take advantage of their creative spirits! Turn your family into a cleaning company and give each kid a specific role (sweeper, sprayer, picker-upper) – and maybe even break out some fake moustaches and costumes to help them look the part!

Turn The Music Up

Keep your kids moving with some fun, up-beat music.

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Playing their favorite tracks will keep them engaged and happy. This can also be used as an incentive – whoever finishes a task gets to choose a song to listen to. Besides, dancing with a sponge never hurt nobody.

Stay Simple and Specific

“Clean your room” may seem direct enough, but a task that broad can be intimidating to kids.

Break it down into smaller, more specific directions so there is a clear end-goal that can be reached in a short amount of time. For example, try “put the red toys in the bin.” Once all of the red toys are put away, do the blue toys next.

Clean In Bursts

Don’t expect your kids to clean for hours at a time – they simply don’t have the focus for that. Set clear limits for when to take a break, like after a certain number of tasks have been completed, or a specific amount of time has passed.

Think short and sweet – maybe three or four small tasks, or fifteen to twenty minutes.

Choose Meaningful Rewards

Find something important that can be used as a reward for doing chores (preferably something besides money). Family activities are great for this purpose! Watch a movie together, play a board game, go to the park… anything that lets your family spend time together and have fun.

Start A Challenge

If your kids have a competitive streak, use that to your advantage by challenging them to a clean-off. Tell them, “I bet I can pick up this side of the room faster than you can pick up that side of the room.” This will encourage your kids to get the job done quickly, because they definitely want bragging rights.

Keep Chores Age Appropriate

Remember that kids are capable of different things depending on their age. Don’t ask your toddler to help rake leaves or put away clean dishes. Keep your child’s abilities in mind when assigning tasks to make sure it’s something they feel capable of completing.

Give Them Options

Let the kids feel like they have some power by presenting them with options. Ask them to decide between two tasks, with the understanding that they’ll do one before the other. They’ll appreciate being able to make a choice and feel a sense of accomplishment when they get to spearhead the task.

Have Realistic Expectations

Your house will never be perfectly clean, and that is absolutely okay! With kids, it’s impossible to keep everything tidy all the time. Celebrate the small successes, because some days it’s a miracle that you can see the floor at all.

Stay Safe with TECH

Cleaning is absolutely NO FUN when using harmful chemical cleaners. TECH products are free from harsh chemicals, and are perfectly safe to use around your kids. That means you can even hand them a bottle and put them on spraying duty! Feel good about the products in your home, and keep your kids safe!

Cesar Hill

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