Read The Netflix Inc Case Study And Address All Corresponding Questions And Sub Questions

Question Description

Students will submit the critical assignment on the Netflix, Inc. Time has been set aside to work on this critical assignment.

Students will read the Netflix, Inc. case study and address all corresponding questions and sub-questions. Students are required to copy and paste each question into their document. Answers to each question must be below the pasted question.

Students must use current APA formatting and incorporate the minimum number of required sources: 3 citations from the Harvard Business Review (HBR) text, 3 citations from the Rothaermel text, and 3 citations from the peer-reviewed sources (students must use 3 different sources). The Bible should be cited when answering question #6.

1. Describe Netflix’s strategy process over time. What approach to the strategy process does Netflix follow? What works well with this approach? What are some challenges with this process, especially as Netflix continues to grow fast?

2. How was Netflix able to disrupt the U.S. home entertainment industry? Describe Netflix’s innovation strategy over time. Also, how did Netflix’s business change over time? How did its business model innovation support its technology strategy?

3. What are Netflix’s core competencies? How can they help Netflix to sustain its competitive advantage? How must its core competencies be honed and modified?

4. Netflix growth in the United States seems to be maturing. How could Netflix increase demand for its services in the United States? What other services could Netflix offer to drive future growth?

5. International expansion appears to be a major growth opportunity for Netflix. What challenges does Netflix face by going beyond the U.S. market? What can Netflix do to address some of the challenges encountered when going internationally? And which international markets should Netflix focus on, and why?

6. Citing Scripture, which biblical principles can Netflix apply to address its challenges? How will these biblical principles affect the ethics standards of Netflix?



Dimensions &
(CLO/SLO Addressed)

Exemplary (4, A)

Accomplished (3, B)

Developing (2, C)

Beginning (1, D)


Dimension 1

CLO – 1, 2, 3, 7

SLO – 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11

USO – Apa, GM, ESa

WCC* – W, IL, CT

Weight= 15%

Completely and correctly addresses/answers all five statements and sub-questions found in question #1.

Completely and correctly addresses/answers four of the five statements and sub-questions found in question #1.

Answers are incomplete or incorrect and/or two or sub-questions are not answered.

Answers are incomplete or incorrect and/or three or sub-questions are not answered.

Dimension 2

CLO – 1, 2, 3, 5, 7

SLO – 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11

USO – Apa, GM, ESa

WCC* – W, IL, CT

Weight= 15%

Completely and correctly addresses/answers all four statements and sub-questions found in question #2.

Completely and correctly addresses/answers three of the four statements and sub-questions found in question #3.

Answers are incomplete or incorrect and/or two or sub-questions are not answered.

Answers are incomplete or incorrect and/or three or sub-questions are not answered.

Dimension 3

CLO – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7

SLO – 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 11

USO – Apa, GM, ESa

WCC* – W, IL, CT

Weight= 15%

Completely and correctly addresses/answers all three sub-questions found in question #3.

Completely and correctly addresses/answers two of the three sub-questions found in question #3.

Answers are incomplete or incorrect and/or two or sub-questions are not answered.

Answers to the three sub-questions are incomplete or incorrect and/or are not answered.

Dimension 4

CLO – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7

SLO – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7

SLO – 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11

USO – Apa, GM, ESa

WCC* – W, IL, CT

Weight= 15%

Completely and correctly addresses/answers the two sub-questions found in question #4.

Completely and correctly addresses/answers one of the two sub-questions found in question #4.

Answers to the two sub-questions are incomplete or incorrect and/or one of the two sub-questions is not answered.

Answers to the two sub-questions are incomplete or incorrect and/or are not answered.

Dimension 5

CLO – 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7

SLO – 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

USO – Apa, GM, ESa

WCC* – W, IL, CT

Weight= 15%

Completely and correctly addresses/answers all three sub-questions found in question #5.

Completely and correctly addresses/answers two of the three sub-questions found in question #5.

Answers are incomplete or incorrect and/or two or sub-questions are not answered.

Answers to the three sub-questions are incomplete or incorrect and/or are not answered.

Biblical Integration

CLO – 1, 6, 7, 8

SLO – 5


WCC* – W, IL, CT

Weight= 10%

Completely and correctly addresses/answers the two sub-questions found in question #6.

Completely and correctly addresses/answers one of the two sub-questions found in question #6.

Answers to the two sub-questions are incomplete or incorrect and/or one of the two sub-questions is not answered.

Answers to the two sub-questions are incomplete or incorrect and/or are not answered.

Source Requirements

CLO – 1

SLO – 1

USO – Apa, ESa

WCC* – W

Weight= 5%

A minimum of 9 sources are cited including:

3 from HBR text.

3 from the Rothaermel.

3 from peer-reviewed sources.

Throughout the entire document one of the minimum source requirements below is not met.

A minimum of three references/citations related to the concepts found the HBR text are used.

A minimum of three references/citations related to the concepts found the Rothaermel text are used.

A minimum of three references from peer-reviewed sources are used.

Throughout the entire document two of the minimum source requirements below is not met.

A minimum of three references/citations related to the concepts found the HBR text are used.

A minimum of three references/citations related to the concepts found the Rothaermel text are used.

A minimum of three references from peer-reviewed sources are used.

Throughout the entire document more than two of the minimum source requirements below is not met.

A minimum of three references/citations related to the concepts found the HBR text are used.

A minimum of three references/citations related to the concepts found the Rothaermel text are used.

A minimum of three references from peer-reviewed sources are used.

Writing & APA Formatting

CLO – 1

SLO – 1

USO – Apa, ESa

WCC* – W

Weight= 10%

Writing demonstrates a sophisticated clarity, conciseness, and correctness. Provides thorough details and relevant data or information; extremely well-organized.

Uses 6th edition APA guidelines accurately and consistently.

Writing is clear and concise; contains few errors. Provides sufficient details and relevant data or information; well-organized.

Uses APA guidelines with minor violations.

Writing lacks clarity and conciseness; contains numerous errors. Provides insufficient detail and relevant data or information; lacks organization.

Reflects minimal compliance with APA guidelines.

Writing is unfocused and rambling; contains serious errors. Lacks detail and relevant data or information; poorly organized.

Does not use APA guidelines.



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