Reflection On Being A Writer Past And Future Writer

Question Description

PROMPT: In a dialogue with – or in response to – other texts, explore your past and future work as a writer. Having read a variety of texts on the motivation and purpose of writing, compose a narrative essay about how you are finding your voice as a writer. Which text(s) are the most (or least) compelling to you? Whose motivation resounds with you the most/least? Whose voice might you want to emulate as a writer? How does an author’s use of language affect you positively or negatively? These are just a few questions for you to consider.

You may use the first person “I” (but keep it to an absolute minimum) as you explore your past as a writer and your potential future as one, but avoid the conversational “we, us, and our” and the second person forms of “you.” You essay should include references to three texts, one of them can be a source other than our class readings.

As always, your essay must be thoroughly edited and formatted according to MLA. All borrowed material must be cited in MLA documentation style, and all sources must be original (absolutely no Wikipedia, Spark’s Notes, Cliff’s Notes or any other secondary sources). The paper should be 4 pages in length, excluding the Works Cited page.

Assignment Structure

The essay shall begin with a hook that catches your reader’s attention right away. The introduction will end with your thesis that shall make a clear statement about your future as a writer.

In order to avoid maundering and meandering, you should outline your body first. Do you want o approach this task in a chronological order? Do you want to structure your paragraphs by topic (motivation, purpose, obstacles etc.)? Do you want to focus on your professional dream and the importance of writing in order to achieve your goals? Are you bilingual/bi-cultural and want to discuss the challenges as well as advantages of this for you as a writer? These are just a few questions to get you started. The key is to put plenty of time and effort into planning the body (see “Basic Convention of Academic Writing”).

Keep in mind that a reflective essay is just this: reflection. This means that it shall not summarize your experiences but critically reflect on them (see Jeff Bezos). Honest reflection will highlight your ability to look forward while looking backward.

You will want to leave your reader with a final strong point (see Alexie).


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