Reflection Question 3

Question Description
The purpose of this assignment is to develop your interpersonal skills through reflective writing about yourself and your experiences. This will require critical thought and application of your own thoughts and values to an interpersonal communication topic.The paper should be 1-2 pages, (including a cover page with your name and title of the paper – the cover page does NOT count in the page number total), double-spaced, 1-inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman font (this is standard APA format and most word processing software sets it up like this automatically). Please save your paper in .doc or .docx format to ensure your instructor can open it easily. Be sure to clearly reference which option you are choosing below.Reflection Paper #5 Topic/PromptPlease select ONE of the following options to apply toward Chapters 9 and/or 10:1. Locate something that relates to one of the chapters in “everyday life”. There are several songs, TV shows, movies, poems, quotes, comics, YouTube clips, etc. that relate to all of the topics mentioned. Pay attention to these things and include what it is (by listing a link if it’s something found online, or a clipping of a comic, song lyrics, etc.) and then explain your rationale for how that relates to the content in that chapter. Please note – typing out song lyrics will not be included in the word count. I just need the part that you are specifically referring to. The best method would be to include a link for the song/clip/etc. Do not use an example that was specifically mentioned in the chapter (a movie, song, comic, etc.), as I am looking for you to go beyond that. For example, if the movie Gran Torino was mentioned in Chapter 2, you shouldn’t connect to that. But if it isn’t mentioned until Chapter 4, and you want to use it for Chapter 2, that is okay.2. Another option could pertain to analyzing an interpersonal encounter of interest to you that has happened at some point in your life related one of the chapters covered this week. You might develop this entry along these lines:• Description: What was the interpersonal encounter? Who was it with? What happened? Be descriptive.• Analysis: What course concepts help you in understanding this experience? How do the concepts apply?• Conclusion/Learning: What did you learn about yourself and your interpersonal attitudes and skills? What steps do you need to take, if any, to improve?

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