Renewable Solar Energy For Homes

Question Description



10 pages

The topic of the research paper must be about renewable solar energy for homes and it must be written from a Christian perspective. The thesis statement must include the problem, possible approaches or solutions, and the writer’s proposed approach must be expressed in this statement. I would like the thesis statement to be based on the following: eliminating our usage of fossil fuels to generate energy by implementing and utilizing renewable solar energy that provides energy (free-of-charge) to anyone having the necessary equipment to capture it—thus reducing the need of electric public utility companies and creating incentives for people everywhere to stop using them (both the public utility companies and the fossil fuels which pollute and contaminate our environment). The research paper should analyze the data gathered from various sources and reach a conclusion on an issue or problem that has been raised in the thesis statement. I want the conclusion of the research paper to mention that solar energy is the best of all the renewables since every single person on this planet having sunlight, in every climate, location, etc. is able to capture and utilize it using solar panels, an inverter, and store the energy using batteries. With this energy at hand, people are able to charge their electric cars, power their homes, etc. and in some countries they are even able to sell excess energy/feed it back into the national power grid. I also want the conclusion to mention that as stewards of God’s creation, we need to care for and protect the environment with which we have been entrusted and make the first step in ensuring that our planet will be environmentally clean for us and future generations. Please also do mention the recent advancements in solar panel technology and the types that are currently available. The audience of the research paper should be that of the average person, so everything must be written in an understandable manner, and all terms that are unfamiliar must be defined. Please pay special attention to the Outline Guidelines 1-3 that I have uploaded and follow the instructions carefully. A final revision of the general outline should be made to accurately reflect the proper order of the material covered in the final draft of the paper. The final revision would be the detailed outline. It should contain a thesis statement and three main sections (headings) that include subheadings and supporting details. When taking notes, incorporate or delete certain ideas in the outline. In this way you will be able to determine areas you may have neglected or overemphasized. After you have established the accuracy of the general outline, make sure that the points are in the best order. The work must flow logically, and orderliness is a vital aspect. I have uploaded a sample research paper (Sample RP 1-11) to show you the exact way the research paper must look like, and some instructions on the MLA style (MLA-Style Guidelines 1-7 & MLA-Style Guidelines for I.S. 1-2). Please note that the uploaded instructions regarding the MLA style are not exhaustive, so please refer to MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers, Sixth Edition (2003) or visit the MLA website at for any questions that might arise. Photocopies of relevant pages from Internet articles or Webpages, articles, books, periodicals, journals, etc. that are cited in the research paper need to be provided. Include only pages that have been cited in the paper, not entire articles or whole sections from books. Words that have been quoted or ideas otherwise cited need to be highlighted in these copies (without these required copies of the source materials—the whole research paper is useless to me). The “Works Cited” page must contain at least five sources, including two hard copy books, periodicals, or journals. Only one of the five sources may be an encyclopedia. Please note neither Wikipedia nor any film may be used as a source. Please do NOT plagiarize or inspire yourself from another research paper. The writing must be original and unique and all inspiration needs to come from the sources themselves. My school has a zero-tolerance policy for plagiarism even if the plagiarism is not word-for-word. My school considers plagiarism to be the using of ideas from other published researched papers. So please use parenthetical documentation when making a direct quotation, summarizing, paraphrasing, or simply reiterating someone else’s thoughts. If a quote is more than forty words, put it in a block quote and ident one-half inch from the left margin. Please ensure that the paper is clear and flows logically from one paragraph to the next, all thoughts are organized, all parts are in the proper order, each part has been developed at an appropriate length in proportion to its importance, and there are no foggy concepts, weak arguments, or problem areas. The phrases also need to be examined for the appropriate figure of speech and expression of idiom. Please avoid jargon, trite phrases, and wordiness or redundancies. Please check to see that the verbs are bright and alive, and that the nouns are specific and direct. Proofread every word, phrase, sentence, and paragraph for proper usage: spelling, clarity, oneness, cohesion, stress, order, grammar, and mechanics. Please ensure that ALL uploaded and written instructions are carefully read, as well as the sample research paper before the writing process begins. Once this research paper is completed and done to the standards described, I will purchase another one using the same instructions; so please do pay careful attention to all details. If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you

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