Research Contribution To Selected Topic

Question Description
Locate two new peer-reviewed articles, from the last 5 years (2014-present), that describe research that contributes to theory in your topic area and critically assess them. Topic: Children of Prisoners. Themes: Gender of offender (does it make a difference to the child), Gender of the child (is one more vulnerable than the other), Type of crime (Prison for longer sentence and more severe crime as opposed to jail where it is a lesser time sentence and typically a more minor crime), Visitation (How often, how long, support to visit, type of visitation so face to face, tele-visit, or on a phone looking through the glass), Parental re-introduction to the family (financial assistance, recidivism rates if married and have kids).
Use the sections and questions below to help you critique eacharticle. You do not need to answer every single question as somequestions might not apply. The questions are listed to help you generateideas as you evaluate each article.

Introduction. Give an overview of the problem orissue discussed in the study. Also explain the purpose of the study, anyhypotheses, method and design, as well as conclusions.

However, keep in mind that the focus of this assignment is yourcritique. The introduction section of this assignment should not be morethan a page. After you have written this section, it might help toreread the article with a more critical eye focused on inconsistenciesor limitations.

Evaluate problem or issue discussed.

Consider whether the problem is clearly described. Did the author(s)document and support the existence of the problem with scholarlysources and data? Were the sources credible and relevant (as defined bythe readings you’ve done for this course)?

Evaluate literature reviewed.

Examine the literature reviewed by the author(s). Have the author(s)cited only relevant literature? Do certain ideas or concepts appear tobe over/underemphasized? Was there any bias in language or tone of thewriting? Do you think there are any discussions that need elaboration ormaybe could be more concise? Is there a clear theoretical framework?

Evaluate methods.

Are the methods described with enough detail so that a reader couldduplicate the research process if needed? Do the method and designappear to be appropriate for the problem being addressed and the purposeof the study?
Also consider the procedures and materials used (e.g., survey,interview guide, etc.). Do you believe this was the best way to collectthe data needed to address the problem, purpose, and research questions?
Evaluate the sample. Do you see any issues with the size of thesample or the way participants were recruited? What about thedemographic composition of the sample?

Overall impressions.

How useful does this work seem to you regarding theoretical and/orpractical applications? Does the author suggest the findings could beapplied in theory and/or practice?
Is the writing clear and easy to follow?
How useful are the visuals (e.g., tables, charts, maps, photographs)utilized? How do they help to illustrate the argument/findings? Arethey confusing or hard to read?

Conclusion. Synthesize the pieces of your critique to emphasize your own main points about the author’s work.

Based on the limitations noted above and recommendations from theauthor(s), what further research might be conducted on the subject?
Ideas for future research could also include alternative ways toconduct the study. For example, could different samples or materials beused? What about a different method or design?

Submit your analysis of both articles in a single brief paper. Make sure to attach the articles or the proper link to access the articles.
Length: 5-7 pages (Not including title and reference)
Your article critiques should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

An attachment is being added to list the articles that CANNOT be used for this critique. Please see it to make sure there is no overlap.

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